Government 2016 JAMB Past Questions

Government 2016 JAMB Past Questions

1.A major opposition party at the national level in Nigeria's Second Republic was
  • A. NNP
  • B. UPN
  • C. PRP
  • D. GNPP 
 Correct Answer: Option B
The Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) was a Nigerian political party that was dominant in western Nigeria during the second republic (1978-1983). The party revolved around the political leadership of Obafemi Awolowo, a sometimes polemical politician but effective administrator.

2.The exclusion of Africans from colonial administration is associated with
  • A. policy of assimilation
  • B. indirect rule system
  • C. policy of association
  • D. indignant policy 
 Correct Answer: Option A
The assimilation policy was a policy of absorbing Aboriginal people into white society through the process of removing children from their families. The cultutural believes and way of life of the french colonial masters were forced upon their subjects. The ultimate intent of this policy was the destruction of Aboriginal society and abolition of any form of africanism in their colonies.

3.During the 1964 Federal Election in Nigeria, the United Progressive Grand Alliance comprised the
  • A. NNDP, NPC and NDC
  • B. NPC, UMBC and BYM
  • C. UMBC, AG, NEPU and NCNC
  • D. UMBC, BYM, NEPU and NPC 
 Correct Answer: Option C

4.Which of the following binds Commonwealth Nations together? 
  • A. Uniform Political System
  • B. Common Currency
  • C. Common Language
  • D. Common Colonial History 
 Correct Answer: Option D
The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of 53 sovereign states Known as the "British Commonwealth",. common colonial history binds all Commonwealth nations together because all member nations have one time been under British empire or British colonies.

5. A structure of government in which power is shared between the centre and the units is
  • A. confederal
  • B. oligarchic
  • C. unitary
  • D. federalism 
Correct Answer: Option D
Federalism is a type of government in which the power is divided between the national government and other governmental units

6.Which of the following performs oversight functions?
  • A. Judiciary
  • B. Civil service
  • C. Executive
  • D. Bureaucracy 
 Correct Answer: Option C

7.Foreign Policy refers to
  • A. a policy made by a country when it is at war
  • B. the general principles of a states international behaviour
  • C. a policy made by a foreign country
  • D. a policy made by a country for foreigners 
 Correct Answer: Option B

8.'' From each according to his ability to each according to his needs' is the principle of
  • A. Communism
  • B. Socialism
  • C. Capitalism
  • D. Communalism 
 Correct Answer: Option A
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs is a slogan popularized by Karl Marx in his 1875.

9. The maintenance of law and order is a function of the
  • A. legislature
  • B. military
  • C. judiciary
  • D. executive 

Correct Answer: Option D
The executive arm of government maintain law and order through the police, which is one of the agencies under the executive arm. We live in a society where we must maintain law and order. The police must enforce the laws to maintain order. The dictates of law and order state that we must create and establish a clear code of conduct.

10 The development of attitudes and beliefs about a political system is known as
  • A. political orientation
  • B. political apathy
  • C. political culture
  • D. political socialization
 Correct Answer: Option D

11. A nation could be identified through its
  • A. military strength
  • B. common language and culture
  • C. population
  • D. constitution
Correct Answer: Option B
A nation is a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.
12. A network of groups of people in an institution expressing human association is
  • A. community
  • B. society
  • C. nation
  • D. state
Correct Answer: Option B

society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
13. The Commission on Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration is an organ of
  • A. The United Nations
  • B. Common Wealth
  • C. Organization of Petroeum Exporting Countries
  • D. African Union
Correct Answer: Option D
14. The policy of assimilation was the colonial policy of the
  • A. French
  • B. British
  • C. Portuguese
  • D. German 
Correct Answer: Option A
Policy of Assimilation (French colonialism); Assimilation was one ideological basis of French colonial policy in the 19th and 20th centuries.
15. The appointment, promotion and discipline of civil servants is the responsibility of the
  • A. Civil Service Commission
  • B. Public Complaints Commission
  • C. Judicial Service Commission
  • D. Public Service Institute of Nigeria
Correct Answer: Option A
A civil service commission is a government agency that is constituted by legislature to regulate the employment and working conditions of civil servants, oversee hiring and promotions, and promote the values of the public service.
16. A country is said to operate an unwritten constitution if the
  • A. constitution is not contained in a single document
  • B. constitution cannot be written down
  • C. existing constitution can be suspended at will
  • D. country is not having a printed constitution
Correct Answer: Option A
unwritten constitution: a constitution not embodied in a single document but based chiefly on custom and precedent as expressed in statutes and judicial decisions
17. The form of government headed by a king is
  • A. monarchy
  • B. presidentialism
  • C. fascism
  • D. republicanism
Correct Answer: Option A
monarchy; a form of government with a king or queen at the head.
18. Citizens exercise their sovereignty by
  • A. attending political rallies
  • B. voting at elections
  • C. registration to vote
  • D. their right to sue the state
Correct Answer: Option B
Popular sovereignty means that the government can only exercise authority if it has been given permission to do so by the People. The People give to the government ONLY AS MUCH AUTHORITY as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which government is established. Citizens exercise their authority by voting during elections for their preferred citizens
19. Which of these is an attribute of government?
  • A. Political Power
  • B. Sovereignty
  • C. Constitution
  • D. Definite territory 
Correct Answer: Option A
government is the system or group of people governing an organized community, often a state. A major attribute of government is political power to exercise authority. Other attributes include:
  • Participation. 
  • Rule of law. 
  • Transparency. 
  • Responsiveness. 
  • Consensus oriented.
  • Equity and inclusiveness. 
  • Effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Accountability.
20.Nigerian Judiciary is headed by
  • A. Attorney-General and Minister of Justice
  • B. Solicitor-General of the Federation
  • C. Chief Justice of the Federation
  • D. President, Court of Appeal
Correct Answer: Option C
The Supreme Court is presided over by the Chief Justice of Nigeria and thirteen associate justices, who are appointed by the President of Nigeria on the recommendation() of the National Judicial Council.
21. The modern theory of sovereignty was popularized by
  • A. John Locke
  • B. Thomas Hobbes
  • C. Jean Bodin
  • D. Baron De Montesquieu
Correct Answer: Option C
The modern concept of sovereignty owes more to the jurist Jean Bodin (1530–1596) . Bodin conceived it as a supreme, perpetual, and indivisible power, marked by the ability to make law without the consent of any other
22. Public opinion is commonly referred to as the composite reaction of the citizenry on
  • A. matters relating to association
  • B. legal rights of foreigners
  • C. matters affecting government
  • D. key issues that affect them 
Correct Answer: Option D
Public opinion consists of the desires, wants and thinking of the majority of the people. It is the collective opinion of the people of a society or state on an issue or problems that affect them
23. In order to assist fellow developing countries, Nigeria initiated the
  • A. New Partnership for African Development
  • B. Economic Community of West African States
  • C. Concept of Medium Powers
  • D. Technical Aid Corps Scheme
Correct Answer: Option D
24. In the Igbo traditional system, the highest democratic institution is the
  • A. Umunna
  • B. Oha-na -eze
  • C. Umuada
  • D. Ofo Title Holders
Correct Answer: Option B
25.Separation of powers as an ingredient of the presidential system implies the
  • A. distinction of governmental powers
  • B. demarcation of levels of government
  • C. distinction between head of state and head of government
  • D. sharing of governmental powers.
Correct Answer: Option D
In a presidential system, political and administrative powers are divided between the executive, legislative and judicial branches.

 26. The major objective of pressure group is to
  • A. change government
  • B. form government
  • C. influence government
  • D. fund government
Correct Answer: Option C
The aim of pressure groups is to 'influence the people' who has the power to "make decisions"
Pressure groups don’t participate in elections, they can be also called as  protest groups, lobbying groups etc. Pressure groups don't look for 'power of political office' for themselves, but they look for influencing the decisions which had been made by people who hold this 'political power'. Pressure groups generally twist the decisions or force the government or the people in power to make decisions in their favor and  they use protest as a means of disagreement with the people who govern.
27. The foreign policy principle that informed Nigeria's position in the liberation of African states is
  • A. economic diplomacy
  • B. Afrocentrism
  • C. non-alignment
  • D. non-interference
Correct Answer: Option B
28. A type of political association that brings the rich and the poor together is
  • A. Broker party
  • B. Charismatic party
  • C. Elite party
  • D. Mass party
Correct Answer: Option D
mass political party is a practice where a country has multiple political parties vying for various political positions. These individuals are made up of people from difference socio-economic groups and backgrounds.
29. In Nigeria, the foundations of federalism was laid by the
  • A. Macpherson Constitution
  • B. Lyttleton Constitution
  • C. Clifford Constitution
  • D. Richards Constitution 
Correct Answer: Option D
Bernard Bourdillon the Governor-general at that time initiated and laid the foundation of federalism in Nigeria in 1939 by creating three provinces. He later handed over the constitution to his successor Arthur Richards and it became the Richards Constitution of 1946.

30. Which of the following is a form of delegated legislation?
  • A. Case law
  • B. Convention
  • C. Edict
  • D. Acts
Correct Answer: Option C
31. Franchise can be described as the right to
  • A. vote at elections
  • B. form political parties
  • C. vote and be voted for
  • D. contest in elections
Correct Answer: Option C
Suffrage, political franchise, or simply franchise is the right to vote in public and be voted for in an election
32. A major factor that necessitated the adoption of federalism in Nigeria was the
  • A. intention of creating states
  • B. diversity of culture and language
  • C. abundance of natural resources
  • D. low level of literacy
Correct Answer: Option B
A key reason for using a federal system is that there are major conflicts, or at least differing interests, between parts of the country. The diverse ethnic and cultural groups
33. The office of the Prime Minister in Nigeria was created in
  • A. 1951
  • B. 1954
  • C. 1959
  • D. 1957 

Correct Answer: Option D
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was the first Prime Minister of Nigeria after it gained independence. He served his term as Prime Minister from 1957 until he died in 1966 when he was kidnapped and killed in the country's first military coup.
34. The Nigeria Police is an agency of the
  • A. judicial arm of government
  • B. Ministry of Defence
  • C. executive arm of government
  • D. Ministry of Interior
Correct Answer: Option C
35.The legislature checks the excesses of the executive through
  • A. appointment of civil servants
  • B. screening of governors
  • C. scrutiny of the budget
  • D. nomination of judges
Correct Answer: Option C
The legislature is provided with the authority, resources, and information required to effectively hold the executive to account for the use of public funds by thoroughly scrutinizing the budget

36. Government by the best citizens is referred to as
  • A. aristocracy
  • B. democracy
  • C. oligarchy
  • D. plutocracy
Correct Answer: Option A
Aristocracy is the highest class in certain societies, typically comprising people of noble birth holding hereditary titles and offices. A form of government in which power is held by the nobility.
37. The charter establishing the AU was signed in
  • A. Togo
  • B. Libya
  • C. South Africa
  • D. Ethiopia.
Correct Answer: Option D
38. The charter establishing the AU was signed in
  • A. Togo
  • B. Libya
  • C. South Africa
  • D. Ethiopia.
Correct Answer: Option D
The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was established on 25 May 1963, at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and the Charter of the OAU was signed on that occasion by the heads of state and government of 32 African states.
39. In Nigeria, items in the exclusive list are under the jurisdiction of
  • A. regional government
  • B. state government
  • C. central government
  • D. local government
Correct Answer: Option C
In the context of Nigerian federalism, exclusive list is the list on which matters over which only the federal authority can legislate over are.
40.Which of these factors motivated colonialism in Africa?
  • A. Scientific superiority
  • B. Humanitarianism
  • C. Economic interest
  • D. Cultural superiority
Correct Answer: Option C
some of the reasons for colonialism.
Economic factors

  • They wanted a place to market their goods.
  • Wanted to get raw materials for their industries from Africa.
  • They were looking for a place to invest their surplus capital.
  • They wanted agricultural land in Africa where they could grow cash crops for their industries back at home.

41.The responsibility of giving policy guidelines to the board of corporations rest with the
  • A. Board of Directors
  • B. Minister
  • C. Chairman
  • D. Permanent Secretary
Correct Answer: Option C
42. Which of these institutions make bye-laws?
  • A. Council of State
  • B. National Assembly
  • C. Local Government Council
  • D. State House of Assembly
Correct Answer: Option C
Laws made by local government in nigeria are called bye-laws. Bye-law is a regulation made by a local authority or corporation.
43. Federal and State governments legislate on items in the
  • A. residual list
  • B. legislative list
  • C. exclusive list
  • D. Concurrent list
Correct Answer: Option D
concurrent list includes the subjects to common interest to both union and state government.
44. In Nigeria, public corporations are established by
  • A. executive order
  • B. a bye-law
  • C. an act of parliament
  • D. military decree

Correct Answer: Option C
Public corporation is established  by act of parliament
45.In the Hausa pre-colonial political system, the spiritual and powers were vested in the
  • A. Emir
  • B. Madawaki
  • C. Galadima
  • D. Waziri
Correct Answer: Option A

46. Which of the following approves the annual budget of the UN?
  • A. The General Assembly
  • B. The Secretariat
  • C. The Security Council
  • D. Trusteeship Council
Correct Answer: Option A
The UN general assembly budget committee
47. Lagos was annexed in
  • A. 1861
  • B. 1871
  • C. 1814
  • D. 1853
Correct Answer: Option A
The British annexed Lagos as a colony in 1861. The remainder of the Benin Empire - i.e., modern-day Nigeria - were seized by the British in 1887, and when the British established the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria in 1914, Lagos was declared its capital.
48. A disadvantage of the one-party system is that it
  • A. is costly to operate
  • B. does not tolerate opposition
  • C. does not care about the feelings of the masses
  • D. discourages periodic elections
Correct Answer: Option B
One of the disadvantages of a one-party system is that it is undemocratic. The operation of a one-party system in a state does not give room for such choices to be made and gives no room for opposition. It can degenerate into a dictatorship.
49. At the formation of the OAU, Nigeria belonged to the
  • A. Monrovia Group
  • B. Casablanca Group
  • C. Lagos Group
  • D. Brazzaville Group
Correct Answer: Option A
The Monrovia Group, sometimes known as the Monrovia bloc, officially the Conference of Independent African States, was a short-lived, informal association of African states with a shared vision of the future of Africa and of Pan-Africanism in the early 1960s.
50. The ECOWAS Monitoring Group began its operation in
  • A. Sierra-Leone
  • B. Guinea
  • D. Liberia 
Correct Answer: Option D
Anglophone ECOWAS members established ECOMOG in 1990 to intervene in the civil war in Liberia (1989–96)


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