Literature in English 2017 JAMB Past Questions

Literature in English 2017 JAMB Past Questions

  1.This question is based on Richard Wright's Native Son

The story is narrated using the
  • A. Omniscient
  • B. limited omniscient
  • C. objective
  • D. first person 
 Correct Answer: Option A
2.This question is based on Selected Poems from Johnson, R et al(eds): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, (ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E, and Vicent, T.(ed.):
A Selection of African Poetry; Gbemisola A.: Naked Soles; Hayward, J.(ed.); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D.(ed.): West African Verse.
Correct Answer: Option A
Peter was so sober as depicted in the poem, being that we step into a sober life of domesticity, followed by a period of self-evaluation of the years spent well or not.
The mood of Peter's The Panic of Growing Older can be described as
  • A. sober
  • B. boastful
  • C. defiant
  • D. languid
3.Thus question is based on Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption

"Trust me. My duty is to convince her to play ball with him and then the usual commission keeps rolling in, shee you get?..."

The speaker in the excerpt above is
  • A. Aloho
  • B. Ogeyi
  • C. Odili
  • D. Ochuole 
 Correct Answer: Option D
The statement was made by Ochuole in Page 13, as she tried to inform Madam Hoha in Page 13 on how she would "convince her (Aloho) to pay the ball with him (Chief) and then the usual commission keeps rolling in"(Pg.13)
4."The bees are buzzing and humming with great zest.
the doves are cooing, and the children chatter as they clatter downstairs to come and dabble in the cool system.

Use the extract above to answer the question below

The predicament sound device in the extract is
  • A. assonance
  • B. consonance
  • C. onomatopoeia
  • D. alliteration 
 Correct Answer: Option C
It is the deployment of words in a way that such words suggest or echo their meaning or sense of use.
 5.This question is based on Selected Poems from Johnson, R et al(eds): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, (ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E, and Vicent, T.(ed.):
A Selection of African Poetry; Gbemisola A.: Naked Soles; Hayward, J.(ed.); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D.(ed.): West African Verse.

Piano and Drums according to Okara's Piano and Drums are musical instruments of __________
  • A. contradictory tunes
  • B. complementary tunes
  • C. different cultural milieus
  • D. different rhythmic appeals 

Correct Answer: Option C
The main idea in the poem is to develop two contrasting musical instruments. These are the jungle drums, associated with Africa, and the piano, which is identified with Europe. They are used symbolically to represent the different cultures of people from these geographical entities. 

6.Choose the most appropriate stress pattern from the options.

The stressed syllables are written in capital letters departmental
  • A. DEpartmental
  • B. dePARTmental
  • C. departMENtal
  • D. departmenTAL 
 Correct Answer: Option C
7.A poem that describes the simple life of rural people is called ___
  • A. elergy
  • B. ode
  • C. lyrics
  • D. pastoral 
 Correct Answer: Option D
It describes the life of rural people, especially the shepherds
8.Choose the option that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined

  • A. cat
  • B. dress
  • C. show
  • D. chalk 
 Correct Answer: Option B
9.This question is based on William Shakespheare's Othello

“ ...Fathers, from hence trust not daughters' minds. By what you see them act. Is there not charms. By which the property of youth and maidhood May be abused?. ”

In the excerpt it is implied that daughters are
  • A. lascivious
  • B. petty
  • C. pretentious
  • D. thieves 
Correct Answer: Option C

10.How many stanza and lines does William Moris' poem "the proud king" has?
  • A. 119 stanzas and 849 lines
  • B. 109 stanzas and 849 lines
  • C. 119 stanzas and 850 lines
  • D. 109 stanzas and 850 lines 
 Correct Answer: Option A

11. Choose the option that has the same rhymes with the given word

  • A. surmount
  • B. acom
  • C. aground
  • D. astound 
 Correct Answer: Option A
12. This question is based on Selected Poems from Johnson, R et al(eds): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, (ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E, and Vicent, T.(ed.):
A Selection of African Poetry; Gbemisola A.: Naked Soles; Hayward, J.(ed.); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D.(ed.): West African Verse.

One of the thematic preoccupations of Awooner's The Anvil and the Hammer is
  • A. clash of cultures
  • B. revival of colonalism
  • C. the changing face of colonial masters
  • D. the good attributes of colonalism 
Correct Answer: Option A
The poet applies the notion of a forceful coming together of the people of two cultures to the disadvantage of one in a colonial relationship.
13. This question is based on Bayo Adebowale's Lonely Days.

The cap-picking ceremony is to
  • A. break the strong will of Yaremi
  • B. make Yaremi remarry
  • C. establish that she is wicked
  • D. prove that Ajumobi is not the best
Correct Answer: Option B
14. This Question is based on General Literacy principles and Literacy Appreciations.

A poem used to express grief on the occasion of someone's death is _______?
  • A. elergy
  • B. epic
  • C. dirge
  • D. sonnet
Correct Answer: Option C
15. This question is based on Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption

(ACP Yakubu in his office)...

How can that old crook of a Judge acquit and discharge a very clear case of cocaine pushing. What evidence is he looking for?...' The technique used in the excerpt above is called
  • A. interior monologue
  • B. apostrophe
  • C. dramatic monologue
  • D. soliloquoy
Correct Answer: Option D
16. "And blossoms blown away"

The line above from William Blake's poem " The school boy" is an example of
  • A. personification
  • B. euphemism
  • C. alliteration
  • D. consonance
Correct Answer: Option D
17. Who succeeded Othello as Governor of Cyprus?
  • A. Cassio
  • B. Lago
  • C. Montano
  • D. Gratiano 
Correct Answer: Option A
18. A character whose name is also the source of the title of the narrative is called ___?
  • A. round
  • B. eponymous
  • C. flat
  • D. tittle
Correct Answer: Option B
An example is the tess of the D'urbervilles by Thomas Hardy.
19.This question is based on Amma Darko's Faceless

The dominant tone of the novel is one of
  • A. bitterness
  • B. hope
  • C. fear
  • D. joy
Correct Answer: Option A
The novel is based on the mystery of Baby T's death.
20. Thus question is based on Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption

It can be deduced from the play that
  • A. drug pushing is lucrative
  • B. no crime will go unpunished
  • C. the wealthy also cry
  • D. people will always complain
Correct Answer: Option B
Those who perpetuate evil will one day reap out of it. No evil carried out with impunity will go unpunished at some point. The eventual imprisonment of Chief and his accomplices supports this contention. Also, Justice Odili who was latter taken to a court, which was presided over by a Judge. "The Judge described him as a big disgraced to to their noble profession" He is accused of having allowed "greed and avariciousness" to blind him "against the ethical demands of the profession and he had to pay for his sins". (P.119). He is sentenced to 20years imprisonment with hard labour.
21. This question is based on General Literary principle

Myths differ from legend inn that myths
  • A. have more of the historical background and less of the supernatural
  • B. are less concerned with moral didacticism
  • C. are more concerned with moral didactism
  • D. have less of historical background and more of the supernatural
Correct Answer: Option B
Myths deals with ancient times, especially one that explains natural events or describes early history of people.
22. This question is based on Richard Wright's Native Son.

This novel can be described as
  • A. satirical
  • B. metaphysical
  • C. paradoxical
  • D. allegorical
Correct Answer: Option A
Bigger proposes the idea of playing white. This is a game in which his gang members mockingly imitate manners of the white men. He starts by addressing Gus as a General.
23. This question is based on Selected Poems from Johnson, R et al(eds): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, (ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E, and Vicent, T.(ed.):
A Selection of African Poetry; Gbemisola A.: Naked Soles; Hayward, J.(ed.); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D.(ed.): West African Verse.

In Morris' The Proud King, Jovinian assembled the throne when he was
  • A. poor
  • B. rich
  • C. young
  • D. old
Correct Answer: Option C
Joviniann ascended the throne when he was young."Young was when he first sat on the throne". Line 8
24. This question is based on William Shakespeare's Othello.

"Though I do hate him as I do pains, yet for necessity of present life, I must show out a flag and sign of love, which is indeed but sign..."

The speaker of the excerpt above can be described as
  • A. trusting
  • B. a concubine
  • C. a schemer
  • D. ambitious
Correct Answer: Option C
Though the speaker pronounced that he would help for the necessity of present life, he had hidden plans as this would make him gain more advantage.
25. This question is based on Selec ted Poems from Johnson, R et al(eds): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka,(ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E, and Vincent, T.(ed): A Selection of African Poetry; Gbemisola A.: Naked Soles; Hayward, J.(ed.); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D.(ed): West African verse.

&lsquo ...where guerillas walk the land while crocodiles surf. &rsquo

The lines above in Hallowelps The Dining Table signify _______?
  • A. danger
  • B. calmness
  • C. pity
  • D. saddness
Correct Answer: Option A
26. "Carrying a heavy bundle of tightly wrapped bits and pieces of junk drooping over his face"

The excerpt above exemplifies _______?
  • A. Irony
  • B. synedoche
  • C. symbolism
  • D. euphemism
Correct Answer: Option C
27. This question is based on Selected Poems from Johnson, R et al(eds): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka,(ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E, and Vincent, T.(ed): A Selection of African Poetry; Gbemisola A.: Naked Soles; Hayward, J.(ed.); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D.(ed): West African verse.

&lsquoIf goodness lead him not, yet weariness May toss him to my breast'&rsquo

The literary device in the extract above from Herbert's The Pulley is
  • A. metonymy
  • B. personification
  • C. oxymoron
  • D. irony
Correct Answer: Option B
28.This question is based on William Shakesphere's Othello.

"...Fathers, from hence trust not your daughters' minds. By what you see them act. Is there not charms. By which the property of youth and maidhood May be abused?....."

The speaker in the excerpt above addresses _______?
  • A. Othello
  • B. Lago
  • C. Brabantio
  • D. Roderigo
Correct Answer: Option C
29. This question is based on Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption

The Two dominant themes of the play are
  • A. honesty and decency
  • B. immorality and greed
  • C. poverty and education
  • D. weeding and planting 
Correct Answer: Option B
30. Choose the option that has the same rhymes with the given word

  • A. paid
  • B. mail
  • C. mart
  • D. made
Correct Answer: Option C
31. This question is based on General Literacy Principles

At the peak of the trumpeter's performance, his cheeks were as if they were balloons and his eyes spoke many words. The literacy devices in the extract above are ________?
  • A. metaphor and paradox
  • B. simile and metaphor
  • C. simile and personification
  • D. paradox and simile
Correct Answer: Option C
32. This question is based on Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption

The play portrays the judiciary as
  • A. unserious and lenient
  • B. consistent and just
  • C. corrupt and weak
  • D. patronising and self-righteous
Correct Answer: Option C
33. This question is based on General Literacy Principles

A prose work which centres on moral growth and character formation of an individual is called
  • A. psychological novel
  • B. picaresque
  • C. autobiography
  • D. satirical novel
Correct Answer: Option A
34. This question is based on Selec ted Poems from Johnson, R et al(eds): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka,(ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E, and Vincent, T.(ed): A Selection of African Poetry; Gbemisola A.: Naked Soles; Hayward, J.(ed.); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D.(ed): West African verse.

The mood of Peter's The Panic of Growing Older can be described as _______?
  • A. sober
  • B. boastful
  • C. defiant
  • D. languid
Correct Answer: Option A
35. This question is based on Selected Poems from Johnson, R et al(eds): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, (ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E, and Vicent, T.(ed.):
A Selection of African Poetry; Gbemisola A.: Naked Soles; Hayward, J.(ed.); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D.(ed.): West African Verse.

“...where guerillas walk the land while crocodiles surf ”

The lines above in Hallowelps The Dining Table signify _______?
  • A. danger
  • B. calmness
  • C. pity
  • D. saddness
Correct Answer: Option A
It refers to oppressors who luxuriate while the masses suffer.

36. This question is based on Amma Darko's Faceless

The narrative style adopted in the novel is
  • A. second persons
  • B. third person
  • C. interior monologue
  • D. first person
Correct Answer: Option B
The story is narrated using Omniscient or third person's point of view, which involves the narrator knowing everything that happens in the story, including the characters' thought.
37. This question is based on Literary Appreciation

“ How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world ” Anne Frank The Diary of a young Girl

The writer of the passage above is ________?
  • A. assertive
  • B. retrogressive
  • C. optimistic
  • D. antagnistic
Correct Answer: Option A
The writer said that confidently making his opinion known for all to hear.
38.This question is based on General Literacy Principles

An example of a narrative poem is ________?
  • A. elegy
  • B. epic
  • C. dirge
  • D. sonnet
Correct Answer: Option B
Epic is a long narrative story poem that celebrates real historical events.
39. Thus question is based on Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption

Two dominat themes of the play are __________?
  • A. honesty and decency
  • B. immorality and greed
  • C. poverty and education
  • D. weeding and planting
Correct Answer: Option B
40. This question is based on Literary.

Our third jailer made little or me. He was one of the many struggled in order to feed their families. Be seemed to be very much controlled by the other two. Elechi Amadi Sunset in Biafra

The speaker's attitude towards the jailer in the passage above is that of
  • A. admiration
  • B. condemnation
  • C. spite
  • D. respect 
Correct Answer: Option C
The speaker was making the statement to upset "the third jailer
41. This question is based on General Literacy Principles

A literacy device wherein the author places a person, concept, idea or theme parallel to another is ________?
  • A. allusion
  • B. juxtaposition
  • C. symbolism
  • D. memoir
Correct Answer: Option B
42. "I can stand well enough and I speak well enough". The excerpt above exemplifies ___ ?
  • A. synedole
  • B. euphemism
  • C. repetition
  • D. irony
Correct Answer: Option C
"well enough" was repeated twice in the statement
43. Choose the most appropriate stress pattern from the options. The stressed syllables are written in capital letters

  • A. judiciaRY
  • B. JUdiciary
  • C. judiCIAry
  • D. juDIciary
Correct Answer: Option D
44. This question is based on Amma Darko's Facesless.

The street phenomenon in the novel is a universal theme because
  • A. It only occurs in Ghana
  • B. It could be found only in Africa
  • C. It is common to almost all nations of the world
  • D. the novel is read in all parts of the world
Correct Answer: Option C
45. This question is based on William Shakespeare's Othello.

According to the highest estimate, how many ships in the Turkish fleet were said to head for the Island of Cyprus?
  • A. 107
  • B. 230
  • C. 200
  • D. 140
Correct Answer: Option B

46. This question is based on Selected Poems from Johnson, R et al(eds): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, (ed); Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E, and Vicent, T.(ed.):
A Selection of African Poetry; Gbemisola A.: Naked Soles; Hayward, J.(ed.); The Penguin Book of English Verse and Nwoga, D.(ed.): West African Verse.

Tennyon's Crossing the Bar is ________?
  • A. a celebration of life
  • B. an appreciation of nature
  • C. a demystication of death
  • D. a celebration of the final passage
Correct Answer: Option C
The poem is a meditation on death. The journey the poet embarked on in line 12.
47. This question is based on Faceless by Amma Darko

What is the reason that caused Odarley's mother to send him away from home?
  • A. she chose to go to the street
  • B. her mother remarried
  • C. she steals her mother things
  • D. she wants to poison her boyfriend
Correct Answer: Option B
It was later revealed later that she was sent away from home as a result of her mother remarrying.
_______ In literature is the sequential arrangement of events in a creative work
  • A. Cast
  • B. Summary
  • C. Flaw
  • D. Plot
Correct Answer: Option D
It shows the development of a play from the beginning, through the middle to the end
49. This question is based on Frank Ogodo Ogbeche's Harvest of Corruption

Who impregnated Aloho?
  • A. The Commissioner
  • B. Chief Haladu
  • C. Justice Odili
  • D. Inspector Inaku
Correct Answer: Option B
50. This question is based on Bayo Adebowale's Lonely Days

Yaremi's main job is
  • A. selling cassava
  • B. harvesting cassava
  • C. dyeing taffeta cloths
  • D. sewing taffeta cloths
Correct Answer: Option C


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