English Language 2018 JAMB Past Questions

English Language 2018 JAMB Past Questions



In order to approach the problem of anxiety in play, let us consider the problem of anxiety in play, let us consider the activity of building and destroying a tower. Many a mother thinks that her little son is in a 'destructive stage' or even has a 'destructive personality' because after building a big, big tower, the boy cannot follow her advice to leave the tower for Daddy to see, but instead must kick it and make it collapse. The almost manic pleasure with which children watch the collapse in a second of the product of long play-labour has puzzled many, especially since the child does not appreciate it at all if his tower falls by accident or by a helpful uncle’s hand. He, the builder, must destroy it himself. This game, I should think, arises from the not so distant experience of sudden falls at the very time when standing upright on wobbly legs afforded a new and fascinating perspective on existence. The child who consequently learns to make a tower 'stand up' enjoys causing the same tower to waver and collapse; in addition to the active mastery over a previously passive event, it makes one feel stronger to know that there is somebody weaker ----and towers, unlike little sister, can't cry and call, 'Mummy!'
1. According to this passage, it gives the child great pleasure
  • A. for Daddy to see the tower he has built
  • B. to destroy the tower himself
  • C. to see his tower accidentally destroyed
  • D. to be helped to destroy the tower 
 Correct Answer: Option B
2. What other feeling does the child derive from the fall of his tower apart from pleasure?
  • A. Strength
  • B. Anxiety
  • C. Pity
  • D. Depression 
 Correct Answer: Option A

3. How does the author try to explain this ‘destructive stage'?
  • A. It is the last stage in child development
  • B. The child wants to displease his parents
  • C. It grows out of the child's recent experiences of sudden falls
  • D. The child is just going through a destructive stage 
 Correct Answer: Option C

4. The expression 'must kick it and make it collapse' in this context means
  • A. is forced to kick it and demolish it
  • B. is obliged to kick it and make it collapse
  • C. cannot resist the urge to demolish it
  • C. ought to kick it and make it collapse 
 Correct Answer: Option C

5. In the passage 'manic pleasure' means
  • A. pleasure
  • B. childish pleasure
  • C. unlimited pleasure
  • D. human pleasure 
 Correct Answer: Option C

6. From the way the story ended, it can be concluded that the
  • A. lamb did not survive the encounter
  • B. wolf and the lamb parted amicably
  • C. wolf had encountered the lamb's parents
  • D. lamb offended the wolf quite seriously 
 Correct Answer: Option A

7. The expression 'when this excuse failed him' suggests that the
  • A. wolf only made up the charges levelled against the lamb
  • B. lamb was more intelligent than the wolf
  • C. lamb was prepared for the charges levelled against him
  • D. wolf was uncertain of the charges levelled against the lamb 
 Correct Answer: Option C

8. The charges levelled against the lamb are
  • A. wandering, insolence and disrespect
  • B. exuberance, pollution, wickedness and stubbornness
  • C. garrulity, loquacity, pride and arrogance
  • D. pollution, insolence obstruction and aggression 
 Correct Answer: Option D

9. The expression angry tone and terrible aspect refers to the wolf’s
  • A. sonorous voice and overbearing attitude
  • B. towering size and thunderous voice
  • C. loud voice and fretting movement
  • D. harsh voice and menacing posture 
Correct Answer: Option D
10. Which of the following aptly describes the moral of the story?
  • A. the sins of the forefathers are visited upon the children no matter how long it takes
  • B. if you have made up your mind to hang your dog, any rope will do for the purpose
  • C. the law is weak in defence of the poor against the rich and mighty
  • D. no matter how highly placed he is in society, the unmindful lawbreaker will always meet his nemesis. 
 Correct Answer: Option B

 11. Choose the option that best completes the gap, hall find time for my _________ when I get _________with this difficult assignment.
  • A. past-time/over
  • B. pass-time/over
  • C. passtime/through
  • D. pastime/through 
 Correct Answer: Option D

12. After so many trials, the experiment __________
  • A. paid up
  • B. paid for
  • C. paid out
  • D. paid off 
 Correct Answer: Option D

13. Choose the option that best completes the gap. The chairman refused to shake __________ with the secretary
  • A. hand
  • B. his hand
  • C. hands
  • D. his hands 
 Correct Answer: Option C

14. Choose the option that best completes the gap. Wherever the leader went people struggled to catch a __________ of him
  • A. glimpse
  • B. look
  • C. view
  • D. picture 
 Correct Answer: Option A

15. Choose the option that best completes the gap. Mrs. Okoro __________ in this school since 1975
  • A. taught
  • B. has been teaching
  • C. was teaching
  • D. is teaching 
 Correct Answer: Option B

 16. Choose the option that best completes the gap.  I was seriously disappointed when the __________ between the two teams ended in a goalless draw
  • A. march
  • B. marsh
  • C. match
  • D. martch 
Correct Answer: Option C

17. Choose the option that best completes the gap. The young man looked carefully at the long document, but he couldn't make __________ what it meant
  • A. up
  • B. out
  • C. off
  • D. through 
 Correct Answer: Option B

18. Choose the option that best completes the gap. While the worshippers closed their eyes in prayer, a thief made __________ with the collection
  • A. away
  • B. up
  • C. by
  • D. through 
 Correct Answer: Option A

19. Choose the option that best completes the gap. If you keep playing with this door handle, it will get __________
  • A. loose
  • B. lose
  • C. loosed
  • D. loosing 
 Correct Answer: Option A

20. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined.
For all he cared: the game was as good as lost
  • A. He did not care if the game as lost
  • B. He could not care less if the game was lost
  • C. He was almost certain that the game would be lost
  • D. He was afraid the game would be lost 
 Correct Answer: Option C

 21. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined. The meeting was
cancelled because of the convocation
  • A. brought up
  • B. called off
  • C. broke off
  • D. phased out 
 Correct Answer: Option B

22. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined. Ayodeji is an
ardent supporter of education for the child
  • A. cogent
  • B. a passionate
  • C. an ignorant
  • D. an optimistic 
 Correct Answer: Option B

23. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined. The
exhibition was an eye opener to all
  • A. style
  • B. examination
  • C. dispatch
  • D. display 
 Correct Answer: Option D

24. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined. As a Journalist, Bola has always had a
nose for stories
  • A. an instinct
  • B. a command
  • C. soft comment
  • D. cynical statement 
 Correct Answer: Option A

25. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined. Nwankwo was on the
verge of signing a two-year contract with the club
  • A. brink
  • B. summit
  • C. height
  • D. shore 
 Correct Answer: Option A

 26.Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined. The Governor told the chief that he was only on a
routine tour
  • A. normal and regular visit
  • B. unplanned encounter
  • C. surprise and impromptu check
  • D. working, visit and homage 
 Correct Answer: Option A

27. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined. The new ruler is
big-hearted in his dealing with the people
  • A. proud
  • B. cruel
  • C. soft
  • D. generous 
Correct Answer: Option D
28. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined. The essay topic is
  • A. distinct
  • B. incorrect
  • C. vague
  • C. clear 
 Correct Answer: Option C

29. Choose the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence. The events of last Friday show that there is no love lost between the Principal and the Vice-principal
  • A. They like each other
  • B. They work independently
  • C. They couldn't part company
  • D. They dislike each other 
 Correct Answer: Option D

30. Choose the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence. If he were here, it could be more fun
  • A. He did not show up and so the occasion lacked much fun
  • B. He was being expected to supply more fun
  • C. There was no fun because he was not present
  • D. He was expected but did not show up to liven up the occasion 
 Correct Answer: Option A

 31. Choose the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence. Adawo is an amp
  • A. Adawo behaves queenly
  • B. Adawo behaves differently
  • C. Adawo behaves decently
  • D. Adawo behaves badly 
 Correct Answer: Option D

32. Choose the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence. The man reasoned that there ought to be a limit to sycophancy
  • A. there can be no favour beyond a reasonable point
  • B. sycophants need not talk all the time
  • C. people should know when not to use flattery
  • D. sycophants should now when to grant people requests 
 Correct Answer: Option C

33. Choose the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence. The organization is constantly in a state of flux
  • A. There are periodic changes in the organization
  • B. The organization is facing a difficult period
  • C. The organization is experiencing; good times
  • D. The organization is moribund 
 Correct Answer: Option A

34. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. The witness averred that she had seen Dosun at the scene of the crime
  • A. argued
  • B. confirmed
  • C. denied
  • D. affirmed 
 Correct Answer: Option C

35.Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. The governor's visit is an unprecedented event in the history of the social club
  • A. a perfect
  • B. momentous
  • C. an insignificant
  • D. an unnecessary 
 Correct Answer: Option C

36. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. Our principal took exception to the ignoble role the teacher played in the matter
  • A. embarrassing
  • B. honourable
  • C. extraordinary
  • D. dishonourable 
 Correct Answer: Option B

37. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. He is notorious for his drunkenness
  • A. popular
  • B. known
  • C. well known
  • D. renowned 
 Correct Answer: Option A

 38. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. The severity of the harmattan helped me to complete my writing assignment in record time because i had no choice but to lock myself indoors
  • A. warmth
  • B. mindless
  • C. moderation
  • D. leniency 
 Correct Answer: Option A

39. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. This card entitles you to attend the film show
  • A. disqualifies
  • B. discourages
  • C. disenchants
  • D. satisfies 
 Correct Answer: Option A

40. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. He is loved for his altruism
  • A. benevolence
  • B. sincerity
  • C. selfishness
  • D. selflessness 
 Correct Answer: Option C

41. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. The Journalist said he was working freelance
  • A. tireless
  • B. without pay
  • C. satisfactory
  • D. dependently 
Correct Answer: Option D
 42. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. The Flying Eagles put up a plucky defence against their opponents
  • A. strong
  • B. weak
  • C. careless
  • D. tactful 
 Correct Answer: Option B
43. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phrase in italics. We found a shady place for the display
  • A. an open
  • B. an unsafe
  • C. a stuffy
  • D. an enclosure 
Correct Answer: Option A

44. Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap. The sea wave continue to ____________ the cliff on the west coast constantly
  • A. impair
  • B. rub
  • C. knock
  • D. erode 
 Correct Answer: Option D

45. Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap. I would have been surprised if you
____________ the orange
  • A. plucked
  • A. did pluck
  • B. have plucked
  • C. had plucked 
 Correct Answer: Option C

46. Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap. By the time the plane reaches Harare, it __________in the air for twelve hours
  • A. has been
  • B. would be
  • C. would have been
  • D. should be 

 Correct Answer: Option C

47. Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap. The patient is suffering from ____________
  • A. reumatism
  • B. rheumantism
  • C. rhuematism
  • D. rheumatism 
 Correct Answer: Option C

48. Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap. We saw Ifueko ____________ an egg on the wall
  • A. smashed
  • B. smash
  • C. smashing
  • D. smashes 
 Correct Answer: Option B

 49. Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap. Knowledge of figures of speech as well as of idiom and lexical items ____________ in this section
  • A. is test
  • B. have been tested
  • C. are tested
  • D. were tested 
 Correct Answer: Option C

 50. Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap. The answers to the questions were discussed ____________ the students
  • A. between
  • B. by
  • C. for
  • D. to
 Correct Answer: Option B

 51. Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap. The shipping company advertised for ____________ accountants
  • A. two young but highly competent Nigerian
  • B. young but highly competent two Nigerian
  • C. two Nigerian, young, but highly competent
  • D. highly competent, but young, two Nigerian
Correct Answer: Option A

52. Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap. If it had rained, we would have had to postpone the concert. It didn't rain, so ____________
  • A. we won't have to
  • B. we would have had to
  • C. we wouldn't have to
  • D. we didn't have to 
 Correct Answer: Option D

 53. Choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap. Now, I am used ____________ bread
without butter
  • A. to eat
  • B. in eating
  • C. of eating
  • D. to eating 
 Correct Answer: Option D
eating is present participle. 
used is an adjective that qualiffied the verb eating. therefore it is is right to say ''to eating'' rightly fits into that statement
I am used to eating bread without butter.
54. Choose the option that has a different stress pattern from the others. Choose the option that has different stress pattern from the others.
  • A. ability
  • B. registration
  • C. quadruplicate
  • D. revivalist 
 Correct Answer: Option A

1. ability has its stress pattern at 'ty''
2. registration has the stress pattern at 'tra''
3. quadruplicate has its stress pattern at ''pli
4. revivalist has its stress pattern at 'va'.
 55. Choose the option that has a different stress pattern from the others. Choose the option that has different stress pattern from the others.
  • A. competent
  • B. represent
  • C. syllabus
  • D. quality 
 Correct Answer: Option B

 56. Choose the option that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
  • A. clothing
  • B. mother
  • C. then
  • D. method 
Correct Answer: Option D

57. Choose the option that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
  • A. chart
  • B. church
  • C. champagne
  • D. chemical 
 Correct Answer: Option D

58. Choose the option that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
  • A. dagger
  • B. advantage
  • C. guardian
  • D. mightier 
 Correct Answer: Option B

59. choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) in italics. The manager commended the players for the narrow victory.
  • A. Difficult
  • B. Unexpected
  • C. Easy
  • D. Expected 
 Correct Answer: Option C
Narrow here means close or small margin.

 60. choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phase in italics.
 He is loved for his altruism
  • A. benevolence
  • B. sincerity
  • C. selfishness
  • D. selflessness 
Correct Answer: Option C
Altruism means to have regard for others at the expense of oneself.
Selfishness means to always consider one’s own interest before others

61. choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
  I am not sure that all _____ well with John.
  • A. Were
  • B. Is
  • C. Are
  • D. Will
Correct Answer: Option B
When ‘all’ is used to refer to an abstract infinite noun, the verb must be singular.
Singular verb
62.According to this passage, it gives the child great pleasure 
  • A. For daddy to see the tower he has built
  • B. To destroy the tower himself
  • C. To see his tower accidentally destroyed
  • D. To be helped to destroy the tower
Correct Answer: Option B
According to the writer, the first thing that gives the child pleasure in the game is that he gets to destroy it himself. All other options are in fact negated by the writer since the child
 63. choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined. Thousands of students are candidates for the examination but only very few pass
  • A. Come in
  • B. Call for
  • C. Go into
  • D. Enter for
To come in for something means to undertake or to undergo something
64. choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap(s).
Now, i am used .......... bread without butter
  • A. to eat
  • B. in eating
  • C. of eating
  • D. to eating
Correct Answer: Option D
When the phrasal verb ‘used to’ is used, the following word must be in the –in gerundial form. Gerunds are nouns that end with –ing. They are also called deverbalised nouns.
65. choose the option that best completes the gap(s). We look forward to _______ from you very soon.
  • A. Have heard
  • B. Hear
  • C. Hearing
  • D. Heard
Correct Answer: Option C
The expression ‘look forward to’ must be followed with a gerund.
66. choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phase in italics.
  The journalist said he was working freelance
  • A. tireless
  • B. without pay
  • C. satisfactorily
  • D. dependently
Correct Answer: Option D
To work freelance means to work randomly without having a long-term contract with any firm or person.
Dependent means to rely on a particular person or thing. It is the antonym of ‘freelance’ in this context.
67. choose the option nearest in meaning to the italicized words or expressions.
  The French classes were always funny because we considered French a strange tongue.
  • A. Awkward
  • B. Foreign
  • C. Funny
  • D. Uninteresting
Correct Answer: Option B
Strange means unfamiliar.
Foreign means originating from another country.
68. choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) in italics.
  Everyone testifies to the unique taste of our flavor.
  • A. Offensive
  • B. Common
  • C. Uncommon
  • D. Sufficient
Correct Answer: Option B
69. choose the option that best completes the gap. Wherever the leader went people struggled to catch a ….. of him.
  • A. Glimpse
  • B. Look
  • C. View
  • D. Picture
Correct Answer: Option A
To catch a glimpse of someone or something means to briefly look at someone or to briefly see the person or thing. The verb ‘catch’ cannot be used with ‘look’ in option B, ‘view’ in option C and ‘picture’ in option D.
70. choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined.
Nwankwo was on the verge of signing a two-year contract with the club
  • A. Brink
  • B. Summit
  • C. Height
  • D. Shore 
Correct Answer: Option A
To be on the verge of something means to be very close to it.
To be on the brink also means to be on the edge or border of something.

71. Choose the option that best completes the gap. All God's prophets were given the great __________ to preach salvation to people
  • A. Commision
  • B. Commition
  • C. Comission
  • D. Commission
Correct Answer: Option D
Commission means a task or mission to accomplish.
Take note of the double ‘s’ and the double ‘m’. All other options are wrongly spelt
72. choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
The principal _________ our mobile phones.
  • A. Seized
  • B. Ceased
  • C. Siezed
  • D. Seased
Correct Answer: Option A
Note the correct spelling of ‘seize’.
To seize a thing means to deliberately take hold of it for a period of time
73. choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap(s).
For fear of being caught, the thief shouted and cursed the slow bank manager in a language ________much for words.
  • A. Way
  • B. Too
  • C. Very
  • D. So
Correct Answer: Option B
Here is an adverb of degree. The correct item to use is ‘too’.
74. choose the option nearest in meaning to the italicized words or expressions.
  The coach invited me to his office having found me mettlesome
  • A. Courageous
  • B. Hardworking
  • C. Hardhearted
  • D. Weak
Correct Answer: Option A
Mettlesome means to be courageous. The correct answer is A
75. choose the option that best completes the gap(s).
You may now ___________ with your presentation.
  • A. Precede
  • B. Preceed
  • C. Procede
  • D. Proceed
Correct Answer: Option D
Note the spelling of each word.

76. choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) in italics.
  Father Francis thanked God for the abundance of blessings his family received
  • A. Nature
  • B. Quantity
  • C. Quality
  • D. Paucity
Correct Answer: Option D
Abundance means an excessive availability of something.
Paucity means fewness in number
77. choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) or phase in italics.
  The witness averred that she had seen Dosun at the scene of the crime
  • A. Argued
  • B. Confirmed
  • C. Denied
  • D. Affirmed
Correct Answer: Option C
To aver means to establish a fact or assert a truth.
To deny means to disprove of a statement. It is the opposite of ‘aver’.
78. choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap(s).
  The pastor asked the women to _________ their hearts to God in prayers.
  • A. Bare
  • B. Bear
  • C. Bar
  • D. Barrr
Correct Answer: Option A
To bare one’s mind means to reveal or uncover all that is in it.
  Note the spelling.
79. choose the word(s) or phrase(s) which best fill(s) the gap(s).
  We saw you earlier but we could not stop you because we did not know __________.
  • A. Where you were going.
  • B. Where you are going
  • C. Where are you going.
  • D. Where were you going.
Correct Answer: Option A
The expression is a reported speech and should maintain the past tense
80. choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) in italics.
  It is customary to find young men and women in sports.
  • A. Common
  • B. Unusual
  • C. Unideal
  • D. Unnecessary
Correct Answer: Option B
Customary means habitual or conventional.
Unusual means unlike what is expected.It is the antonym of ‘customary’
81. choose the option nearest in meaning to the italicized words or expressions.
  High mortality rate is becoming increasingly predominant.
  • A. Controlled
  • B. Rampant
  • C. Unchecked
  • D. Dangerous
Correct Answer: Option B
‘Predominant’ means common, significant and important.
‘Rampant’ means common and unrestrained.
82. choose the option nearest in meaning to the italicized words or expressions.
  The rapist claimed that the woman’s voluptuous hips attracted him
  • A. Strong
  • B. Generous
  • C. Round
  • D. Sexy
Correct Answer: Option D
‘Voluptuous’ means full and attractive.
83. Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
  Grandma told the boys a story that cheered them up.
  • A. The story made them cry.
  • B. The story made them scared.
  • C. The story made them delighted.
  • D. The story made them uninterested
Correct Answer: Option C
To cheer one up means to make them happy especially after having been sad.
To be delighted means to be happy. The correct answer is C.
84. choose the option that best completes the gap.
  The cliff is popularly known for ___________ morning beauty.
  • A. It
  • B. It’s
  • C. Its’
  • D. Its
Correct Answer: Option D
‘‘Its’’ is the correct possessive form.
85. select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
  The team adapted team adapted to the new tactic as clean as a whistle.
  • A. They adapted to the pattern perfectly
  • B. They needed a whistle to be able to adapt to the pattern.
  • C. They adapted to the tactic with little errors
  • D. They found it difficult to adapt to the new tactic.
Correct Answer: Option A
The expression ‘as clean as a whistle’ means perfectly and without errors.
86. choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) in italics.
  The driver was discharged while the car owner was ___________ for fraud.
  • A. remanded
  • B. detained
  • C. acquitted
  • D. sued
Correct Answer: Option B
To discharge someone means to legally release them from confinement.
To detain means to put someone under custody.
87. choose the option opposite in meaning to the word(s) in italics.
  The driver was discharged while the car owner was ___________ for fraud.
  • A. remanded
  • B. detained
  • C. acquitted
  • D. sued
Correct Answer: Option B
To discharge someone means to legally release them from confinement.
To detain means to put someone under custody.
88. choose the option nearest in meaning to the italicized words or expressions.
  The police later discovered that Audu feigned death.
  • A. Cheated
  • B. Assumed
  • C. Suggested
  • D. Faked 

Correct Answer: Option D
To feign means to make a false show of something.
To fake something means to make a false display.
89.select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.
  The events of last Friday show that there is no love lost between the Principal
  • A. they like each other
  • B. they work independently
  • C. they couldn't part company
  • D. they dislike each other
Correct Answer: Option D
The expression ‘no love lost’ means that the two parties involved never liked each other.


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