Biology 2016 JAMB Past Questions

Biology 2016 JAMB Past Questions

1. Which of the following conditions is NOT necessary for photosynthesis to take place?
  • A. ChlorophyII
  • B. Light
  • C. Carbon(II)oxide
  • D. Carbon(IV)oxide 
 Correct Answer: Option C
2.The insects in which the maxillae are modified into a long coiled proboscis is
  • A. housefly
  • B. butterfly
  • C. mosquito
  • D. grasshopper 
 Correct Answer: Option B
3.When a cell is placed in solution and the size of the cell increases, the concentration of solution is said to be
  • A. isotonic
  • B. dilute
  • C. hypotonic
  • D. hypertonic 
 Correct Answer: Option C
4.Which of the following plant hormone is responsible for ripening of fruits?
  • A. Gibberellins
  • B. Abscisic acid
  • C. Ethylene
  • D. Cytokinins 
 Correct Answer: Option C
5.The ability of a living organism to detect and respond to changes in the environment is referred to as
  • A. locomotion
  • B. taxis
  • C. irritability
  • D. growth 
 Correct Answer: Option C

 6. An example of an endospermous seed is
  • A. been seed
  • B. cashew nut
  • C. cotton seed
  • D. maize grain 
 Correct Answer: Option D
7.Which of the following theories was NOT considered by Darwin in his evolutionary theory?
  • A. variation
  • B. survival of the fitest
  • C. use and disuse
  • D. competition 
 Correct Answer: Option C
8.Which of the following protects the essential parts of the flower at bud stage?
  • A. Stamens
  • B. Sepals
  • C. Petals
  • D. Carpels 
 Correct Answer: Option B
9. which of the following is an agent of a sexually transmitted disease?
  • A. Entamoeba histolytica
  • B. Salmonella typhi
  • C. Treponema pallidum
  • D. Clostridium tetani 
 Correct Answer: Option C
10.Which of the following animals has homodont dentition?
  • A. Rat
  • B. Man
  • C. Lizard
  • D. Pigeon 

 Correct Answer: Option C
11. The movement of blood between the heart and all other parts of the body besides the lung is known as
  • A. systemic circulation
  • B. closed circulatory system
  • C. pulmonary circulation
  • D. single circulation system 
 Correct Answer: Option A
12. If the cross of a red-flowered plant with a white flowered plant produces a pink flowered plant, this is an example of
  • A. codominance
  • B. incomplete dominance
  • C. mutation
  • D. linkage 
 Correct Answer: Option B
13. The largest amount of yolk is found in the egg of
  • A. amphibians
  • B. pisces
  • C. repitles
  • D. aves 
 Correct Answer: Option D
14. Fibrinogen and prothrombin play important roles in the
  • A. deamination of proteins
  • B. clotting of blood
  • C. detoxication of substances
  • D. storage of vitamins 
 Correct Answer: Option B
15. The pathogen that cause smallpox is
  • A. picornavirus
  • B. peramyxovirus
  • C. herpesvirus
  • D. poxvirus 
 Correct Answer: Option D

16. The vector for the malaria parasite is a
  • A. female edes mosquito
  • B. female Anopheles mosquito
  • C. female culex mosquito
  • D. female culex mosquito 
 Correct Answer: Option B
17. Which of the following pairs are social insects?
  • A. Termite and locust
  • B. Ants and wap
  • C. Cockroach and bee
  • D. Termite and bee 
 Correct Answer: Option D
18.Which of the following is NOT a method of conserving wild life?
  • A. Indiscriminate poaching
  • B. Establishment of zoological gardens
  • C. Enacting wildlife conservation laws
  • D. Establishment of game reserves 
 Correct Answer: Option A
19. The importance of the mouth-brooding behaviour in Tilapia is that it
  • A. helps in keeping the young fish warm
  • B. affords protection from predation for the young fish
  • C. helps the fish to live in a social group
  • D. provides regurgitated nourishment to the young fish 
 Correct Answer: Option B
20.The type of asexual reproduction that is common to both Paramecium and Protists is
  • A. fragmentation
  • B. budding
  • C. sporulation
  • D. fission 
 Correct Answer: Option D

 21. The micro-organisms that causes Typhoid disease is
  • A. trypanosome gambiense
  • B. Salmonella typhi
  • C. entamocbahistolytica
  • D. plasmodium sp 
 Correct Answer: Option B
 22. A collection of population of all living organisms that exist in a habitat is referred to as
  • A. niche
  • B. ecosystem
  • C. community
  • D. environment 
 Correct Answer: Option C
23. The theory of use and disuse of organs was promulgated by
  • A. Alfred Wallace
  • B. Charles Darwin
  • C. Jean Lamarck
  • D. Robert Hook 
 Correct Answer: Option C
24. The theory of natural selection was postulated by
  • A. Gregor Mendel
  • B. Matthias Schleiden
  • C. Charles Darwin
  • D. Robert Hook 
 Correct Answer: Option C
25.The movement response of a cockroach away from a light source is
  • A. negative phototropism
  • B. positive phototaxism
  • C. negative phototropism
  • D. postive phototropism 
 Correct Answer: Option A

 26.Which of the following can cause shrinkage of living cells?
  • A. Deionized water
  • B. Hypotonic solution
  • C. Isotonic solution
  • D. Hypertonic solution 
 Correct Answer: Option D
27. The ability of chemelon to change its colour rapidly is an adaptation for
  • A. obtaining food
  • B. attraction mate
  • C. communication
  • D. escaping detection 
 Correct Answer: Option D
28. The function of the red head in male Agama lizards is to
  • A. scare other males from the territory
  • B. warn predators of the distastefulness of the animal
  • C. attract female lizards for mating purposes
  • D. conceal and camouflage the animal from predators 
 Correct Answer: Option C
29. The activity of ptyalin is likely to decrease with an increase in the concentration of
  • A. oxygen
  • B. starch
  • C. protein
  • D. acid 
 Correct Answer: Option D
30. Seed plants are divided into
  • A. monocoty ledons and dicotyledons
  • B. tracheophytes and ferns
  • C. angiosperms and gymnosperms
  • D. thallophytes and bryophytes 
 Correct Answer: Option C

31. The adaptive importance of the nuptial flight from termite colonies is to
  • A. ensure cross-breeding between members of one colony and another
  • B. disperse the reproductives in order to establish new colonies
  • C. provide abundant food for birds and other animals during the early rains
  • D. expel the reproductives so as to provide enough food for other members 
 Correct Answer: Option B
32. The sequence of the one-way gaseous exchange mechanism in a fish is
  • A. gills ⇢ operculum ⇢ mouth
  • B. mouth ⇢ gills ⇢ operculum
  • C. mouth ⇢ operculum ⇢ gills
  • D. operculum ⇢ mouth ⇢ gills 
 Correct Answer: Option B
33. In the nitrogen cycle, the nitrates in the soil are converted to atmospheric nitrogen by
  • A. puterfying bacteria
  • B. nitrogen-fixing bacteria
  • C. nitrifying bacteria
  • D. denitrifying bacteria 
 Correct Answer: Option D
34. The relationship between a termite and the protozoam in its intestine is described as
  • A. predation
  • B. saproplytism
  • C. symbiosis
  • D. parasitism 
 Correct Answer: Option C
35.Exo-erythrocytic phase of the life cycle of malaria parasite occurs in the
  • A. liver of humans
  • B. reticuloendothelial cells of humans
  • C. Malphigian tubules of mosquito
  • D. brain of humans 
 Correct Answer: Option A

36.Which of the following organs regulates the levels of water. salts, hydrogen ions, and urea in the mammals?
  • A. Kidney
  • B. Colon
  • C. Bladder
  • D. Liver 
 Correct Answer: Option A
37. The rate of transpiration is NOT affected by
  • A. the weight of the stomata pores
  • B. humidity
  • C. temperature
  • D. the size of the stomata pores 
 Correct Answer: Option A
38.The crossing of individuals of the same species with different genetic characters is
  • A. croos breeding
  • B. polygenic inheritance
  • C. non-disjunctin
  • D. inbreeding
 Correct Answer: Option A
39. The hereditary characters in plants and animals are located on the
  • A. gene
  • B. mucleus
  • C. chromosome
  • D. cell 
 Correct Answer: Option C
40. The arrangement of ovules attached to the sides of a syncarpous ovary with a single chamber is referred to as
  • A. free-central placentation
  • B. axile placentation
  • C. parietal placentation
  • D. marginal placentation 
 Correct Answer: Option C

 41.When sickle cell carrier marries a normal woman, the probability of them having a normal offspring is
  • A. 0.75
  • B. 0.25
  • C. 0.5
  • D. .1 
 Correct Answer: Option A
A sickle cell carrier (AS) and a normal woman (AA), when crossed will yield:
3 normal offsprings (AA) and 1 sickle cell carrier (AS).
Hence, the probability of a normal child =
42. In which of the following groups of vertebrates is parental care mostly exhibited?
  • A. Aves
  • B. Reptilia
  • C. Amphibia
  • D. Mammalia 
 Correct Answer: Option D
43. An example of a non-bio degrable pollutants is
  • A. dung
  • B. bones
  • C. ceramics
  • D. woods 
 Correct Answer: Option C

44. The bacteria that is found in the root nodules of leguminous plants is
  • A. clostridium
  • B. rhizobium
  • C. nostoc
  • D. azotobacter 
 Correct Answer: Option B
45.Which of these organisms partly digest its food extracellularly?
  • A. Housefly
  • B. Cockroach
  • C. Termite
  • D. Mosquito 
 Correct Answer: Option B

46. Strong short and concical beak to pick and crush seeds is an adaptive feature of
  • A. duck
  • B. owl
  • C. weaver bird
  • D. hawk 
 Correct Answer: Option C
47.The path followed by air as it passes through the lungs in mammals is
  • A. bronchi ⇢ trachea ⇢ alveoli ⇢ bronchioles
  • B. bronchioles ⇢ alveoli ⇢ bronchi ⇢ trachea
  • C. trachea ⇢ bronchi ⇢ bronchioles ⇢ alveoli
  • D. trachea ⇢ bronchioles ⇢ bronchi ⇢alveoli 
 Correct Answer: Option C
48. In which of the following species is the biomass of an individual the smallest?
  • A. Tilapia sp
  • B. Agama sp
  • C. Bufo sp
  • D. Spirogvra sp 
 Correct Answer: Option D
49. The path followed by air as it passes through the lungs in mammals
  • A. cochlea
  • B. pinna
  • C. perilymph
  • D. vestibular system 
 Correct Answer: Option D
50. The part of the mammalian ear responsible for the maintenance of balance is the
  • A. cochlea
  • B. pinna
  • C. perilymph
  • D. vestibular system 
 Correct Answer: Option D


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