Chemistry 2016 JAMB Past Questions

Chemistry 2016 JAMB Past Questions

 1.In an electrochemical cell, polarization is caused by

  • A. Oxygen
  • B. Hydrogen
  • C. Tetraoxosulphate(IV) acid
  • D. Chlorine 
 Correct Answer: Option B
2. The condition required for corrosion to take place is the presence of
  • A. Oxygen and Carbon (IV) oxide
  • B. Water and Oxygen
  • C. Water and Carbon (IV) oxide and Oxygen
  • D. Water and Carbon (IV) oxide 
 Correct Answer: Option B
3.The enzyme used in the hydrolysis of starch to dextrin and maltose is
  • A. Zymase
  • B. Sucrase
  • C. Amylase
  • D. Lactase 
 Correct Answer: Option C
4.In the laboratory preparation of chlorine from concentrated hydrochloric acid in the presence of potassuim tetraoxomanganate(VII) the produced is dried by passing it through
  • A. Concentrated tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid
  • B. Anhydrous calcium chloride
  • C. Calcium oxide
  • D. Sodium hydroxide 
 Correct Answer: Option A
5.The monomer of nylon is
  • A. Hydroxybenzene
  • B. Hexanedioic acid
  • C. Benzene -1,-4-dicarboxylic acid
  • D. Ethane-1,2-diol 
 Correct Answer: Option B

 6. The principle of column chromatography is based on th ability of the constituents to
  • A. React with the solvent in the column
  • B. React with each other in the solvent in the column
  • C. Dissolve in each other in the column
  • D. Move at different speeds in the column 
 Correct Answer: Option D
7.Ammonium chloride can be separated from its mixture with common salt by
  • A. Distillation
  • B. Evaporation
  • C. Decantation
  • D. Sublimation 
 Correct Answer: Option D
8. The ability of carbon to form long chains is referred to as
  • A. Alkylation
  • B. Acylation
  • C. Carbonation
  • D. Catenation 
 Correct Answer: Option D
9.The industrial preparation of hydrogen gas from water gas is referred to as
  • A. Bosch process
  • B. Contact process
  • C. Haber process
  • D. Bayer Process 
 10.The relative atomic mass of a naturally occurring lithium consisting of 90%Li and 10%
Li is
  • A. 6.2
  • B. 6.8
  • C. 7.1
  • D. 6.9 
 Correct Answer: Option D
( x 7) + ( x 6)

= 6.3 + 0.6 = 6.9

 11.The colour of litmus in an alkaline medium is
  • A. Red
  • B. Yellow
  • C. Pink
  • D. Blue 
 Correct Answer: Option D
12. The compounds CH3CH2CHO and CH3COCH3 can be distinguished from each other using
  • A. Dilute ammonia
  • B. Benedict's solution
  • C. Tollen's reagent
  • D. Sodium hydroxide solution 
 Correct Answer: Option C
13.Which of the following statements is true about 2-methylpropane and butane
  • A. They have different number of carbon atoms
  • B. They are members of same homologous series
  • C. They have the same boiling points
  • D. They have the same chemical properties 
 Correct Answer: Option D
14.The process that requires the use of hardwater in its operation is
  • A. Tanning
  • B. Bottling
  • C. Laundry
  • D. Dyeing 

 Correct Answer: Option B
16. The radioisotope used in industrial radiography for the rapid checking of faults in welds and casting is
  • A. Phosphorus-32
  • B. Cobalt-60
  • C. Carbon-14
  • D. Iodine-131 
Correct Answer: Option B

17. The compound produced when sodium peroxide is heated with excess sodium is
  • A. Na2CO3
  • B. Na2O
  • C. NaNO2
  • D. NaOH 
 Correct Answer: Option B
18. The pollutant that contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer is
  • A. CFCs
  • B. NO2
  • C. SO2
  • D. CO 
 Correct Answer: Option A
19. Which of the following properties is not peculiar to matter?
  • A. Kinetic energy of particles increases from solid to gas
  • B. Random motion of particles increases from gas to solid
  • C. Orderliness of particles increases from gas to liquid
  • D. Random motion of particles increases from liquid to gas 
 Correct Answer: Option B
20. Cast iron is used in making
  • A. Chains and agricultural implements
  • B. Iron sheets and retort stand
  • C. Nails and iron rods
  • D. Stoves and cookers 
 Correct Answer: Option D

21. Which of the following compounds is used as a gaseous fuel?
  • A. CH3 -CH2 -CHO2 -COOH
  • B. CH3 -C = CH
  • C. CH3 -CH2 -CH2 -CH3
  • D. CH2 -CH2 -CH
 Correct Answer: Option C
22. The product formed when propanol is heated over a copper catalyst in the absence of oxygen are
  • A. CH3CH2CHO and H2
  • B. CH3CHO and CO2
  • C. CH3CH2COOH and H2
  • D. CH3COOH and CO2
 Correct Answer: Option D
23. Alkanols have the general molecular formula
  • A. C1H2n-2
  • B. C1H2n-1CHO
  • C. C1H2n-2OH
  • D. C2H2n+1OH
Correct Answer: Option D
24. Which of the following is not an alkali?
  • A. Ca(OH)2
  • B. NH3
  • C. NaOH
  • D. Al(OH)3
Correct Answer: Option B
Both NH3 and Al(OH)3 are not alkali
25. Which of the following statements is correct about the periodic table?
  • A. Elements in the same group have the same number of electron shells
  • B. The non-metallic properties of the elements tend to decrease across each period
  • C. Elements in the same period have the same number of valence electrons
  • D. The valence electrons of the elements increase progressively across the period 
 Correct Answer: Option D

26. The metal whose ore can be concentrated by passing it through a magnetic separator is
  • A. Zn
  • B. Sn
  • C. Cn
  • D. Ca 
 Correct Answer: Option B
27. An example of an acidic oxide is
  • A. NO
  • B. CO
  • C. SO2
  • D. CuO
 Correct Answer: Option C
 28. What volume of 0.5M H2SO4 will exactly neutralize 20cm3 of 0.1M NaOH Solution?
  • A. 2.0cm 3
  • B. 5.0cm 3
  • C. 6.8cm 3
  • D. 8.3cm 3
 Correct Answer: Option A
The balanced equation is given as:

Molarity of
Volume of
Molarity of
mol NaOH =

29. Diamond cannot be used
  • A. In making bicycle chains
  • B. As abrasives
  • C. In cutting glass and metals
  • D. As dies for drawing wires 
 Correct Answer: Option A
30.Ethanol is soluble in water due to the presence of a
  • A. Carbonyl group
  • B. Hydroxyl groupd
  • C. Phenyl group
  • D. Methyl group 
 Correct Answer: Option B
31. The number of electronic shells contained in an atom with electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s2 is
  • A. 3
  • B. 2
  • C. 4
  • D. 5
 Correct Answer: Option C
32. The drying agent suitable for drying ammonia is
  • A. Calcium Chloride
  • B. Calcium Oxide
  • C. Phosphorus(V) Oxide
  • D. Concentrated H2SO4
 Correct Answer: Option B
33.The arrangement of particles in crystal lattices can be studied using
  • A. X-rays
  • B. -rays
  • C. -rays
  • D. -rays

  •  Correct Answer: Option A
    34. In the extraction of iron, the waste gas from the furnace is a mixture of
    • A. PH3 CO and CO2
    • B. CO and C
    • C. N2 , CO and CO2
    • D. PH3 and CO
    Correct Answer: Option C
    from the hot air blast to burn the coke (48%), the (23%) and (21%) produced from the reduction of the iron ore by carbon (the coke) are the major components of the waste from the extraction.
    35. In a neutralization reaction involving HCI and NaOH using litmus as indicator, the colour at the end point is
    • A. Blue
    • B. Red
    • C. Orange
    • D. Purple 

    Correct Answer: Option D
    Neutral litmus paper is purple.  the result of a neutralization reaction is salt and water and hence is neutral.
    36. An example of a solid emulsion is
    • A. Butter
    • B. Hair cream
    • C. Milk
    • D. Cod-liver oil
    Correct Answer: Option A
    37. An isotope has an atomic number of 15 and a mass number of 31. The number of proton it contains is
    • A. 16
    • B. 15
    • C. 31
    • D. 46
    Correct Answer: Option B
    38. Calculate the volume in cm3 of oxygen evolved at s.t.p when a current of 5A is passed through acidified water for 193s?
    [F = 96500 C mol1. Molar volume of a gas at s.t.p = 22.4dm3]
    • A. 0.056dm3
    • B. 0.224dm3
    • C. 224.000dm3
    • D. 56.000dm3
     Correct Answer: Option A
    Q = 193 x 5 = 965C
    40H 2H2O + O2 + 4e
    4 x 96500C = 22.4dm3
    965C = x

    x =
    = 0.056dm3
    39. The gas that is used for the treatment of cancer is
    • A. Neon
    • B. Radon
    • C. Xenon
    • D. Argon
     Correct Answer: Option B
    40. A chemical reaction in which the hydration energy is greater than the lattice energy is referred to as
    • A. A reversible reaction
    • B. A spontenous reaction
    • C. An endothermic reaction
    • D. An exothermic reaction 

     Correct Answer: Option D
    MnO4(aq) + Y 5Fe2+ (aq)
    Mn2+ (aq) + 5Fe 2+ (aq) + 4H2O(1)

    In the equation above, Y is
    • A. 10H+ (aq)
    • B. 5H+ (aq)
    • C. 8H+ (aq)
    • D. 4H+ (aq)
     Correct Answer: Option C
    The compound above exhibits
    • A. Geometric isomerism
    • B. Positional isomerism
    • C. Structural isomerism
    • D. Optical isomerism
    Correct Answer: Option D
    n monosaccharide polysaccharide -n water.

    In the process above, P and Q respectively represent
    • A. Condensation and hydrolysis
    • B. Fermentation and condensation
    • C. Polymerization and hydrolysis
    • D. Polymerization and condensation
    Correct Answer: Option A
    The functional groups present in the compound above are
    • A. Alkene and halo-group
    • B. Hydroxyl and chloro-group
    • C. Alkene and chloro-group
    • D. Hydroxyl and halo-group
    Correct Answer: Option B
    In the diagram above, X is the
    • A. Enthalphy
    • B. Activated complex
    • C. Activation energy
    • D. Enthalphy change 

    Correct Answer: Option D

    The diagram represents
    • A. A spontaneous reaction
    • B. An exothermic reaction
    • C. A non-spontaneous
    • D. An endothermic reaction
     Correct Answer: Option C
    The curve depicts titration between
    • A. Strong acid and strong base
    • B. Strong acid and weak base
    • C. Weak acid and weak base
    • D. Weak acid and strong base
    Correct Answer: Option C
    From the diagram above, an ideal gas can be represented by
    • A. K
    • B. M
    • C. L
    • D. N
     Correct Answer: Option D
    49. CH4(g) + CI2(g) CH2CI(s) + HCIg

    The major factor that influences the rate of the reaction above is
    • A. Concentration
    • B. Catalyst
    • C. Temperature
    • D. Light
    Correct Answer: Option D
    50. N2O4(aq) 2NO2(g) H = +ve

    In the reaction above, an increase in temperature will
    • A. Increase the reactant production
    • B. Increase the value of the equilibrium constant
    • C. Shift the equilibrium to the left
    • D. Decrease the value of the equilibrium constant 

     Correct Answer: Option B


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