Physics 2016 JAMB Past Questions

Physics 2016 JAMB Past Questions

1.Myopic defects in the human eye can be corrected through the use of a
  • A. Concave Mirror
  • B. Concave lens
  • C. Prism
  • D. Convex lens 
 Correct Answer: Option B
 2.A charged particle is moving in a uniform magnetic field. if the direction of motion of the charged particle is parallel to the magnetic field, the path of the charge will
  • A. Be a straight line
  • B. Curve inwards
  • C. Be a parabola
  • D. Curve outwards 
 Correct Answer: Option A
3.What happens to a water pool on a day when the humidity of the air is very low?
  • A. Temperature decreases
  • B. Slow evaporation
  • C. Temperature increases
  • D. Rapid evaporation 
 Correct Answer: Option D
4.A satellite moves in a circular orbit of radius 4R round the earth. The acceleration of the satellite in terms of g is
  • A.

  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
  • Correct Answer: Option A
    = =
    I.Chemical II.Sound III.Electricity

    Which of the above forms of energy can directly be converted to light energy?
    • A. I and II only
    • B. II and III only
    • C. I, II and III
    • D. I and III only 
     Correct Answer: Option D

     6. If the distance between the object and the pinhole of a pinhole camera is reduced by half the size of the image of the object
    • A. Is quadrupled
    • B. Is halved
    • C. Remains the same
    • D. Is double 
     Correct Answer: Option D
    7.An object is placed 15cm in front of a plane mirror. If the mirror is moved further 5cm away from the object and the image is
    • A. 80cm
    • B. 40cm
    • C. 50cm
    • D. 70cm 
     Correct Answer: Option B
    8.Which of the following statements is correct about a machine?
    • A. Efficiency of a machine is always greater than I
    • B. Efficiency decreases with an increase in friction
    • C. Velocity ratio depends on friction
    • D. Mechanical advantage increases with an increase in friction 
    Correct Answer: Option B
     9.The instrument used to view stars is the
    • A. Prism binoculars
    • B. Telescope
    • C. Film projector
    • D. Microscope 
     Correct Answer: Option B
    10. What is the angular magnification of a telescope having objective and eyepiece lenses of a focal lengths 30cm and 3cm respectively?
    • A. 60
    • B. 10
    • C. 30
    • D. 90 
     Correct Answer: Option B
    M = =

    = 10 

    11. A wire of length 10m is cooled from 50oC to 10oC. Calculate the decrease in the length of the wire. [c = 3 x 10-5K-1]
    • A. 1.8 x 10-4m
    • B. 1.5 x 10-4m
    • C. 1.5 x 10-3m
    • D. 1.8 x 10-3
     Correct Answer: Option C
    12.When an athlete perspires after running, he loses heat through
    • A. Evaporation
    • B. Conduction
    • C. Radiation
    • D. Convection 
     Correct Answer: Option A
    13.The rate of cooling of a heated quantity of liquid in an enclosure depends on the
    • A. Pressure of the liquid
    • B. Temperature in the enclosure
    • C. Pressure of the enclosure
    • D. Volume of the liquid 
     Correct Answer: Option B
    14.The heat required to raise a mass of a substance through 1K is known as
    • A. Specific heat capacity
    • B. Specific latent heat of vaporization
    • C. Capacity latent heat of fusion
    • D. Heat capacity 
     Correct Answer: Option D
    15.A boy in a barber's shop sits between two parallel mirrors. The number of images observed by him will be
    • A. Infinite
    • B. Ten
    • C. Eight
    • D. Forty 
     Correct Answer: Option A

     16.Semiconductor is a class of solid whose conductivity increases with an increase in
    • A. Pressure
    • B. Temperature
    • C. Current
    • D. Voltage 
     Correct Answer: Option B
    17.Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
    • A. Brownian motion is an evidence of the particle nature of matter
    • B. Atoms combine to form molecules
    • C. The molecules of matter are in constant motion
    • D. matter is made up of molecules 
     Correct Answer: Option C
    18.A dynamo primarily converts
    • A. Mechanical energy into electrical energy
    • B. Electrical energy into kinetic energy
    • C. Potential energy into kinetic energy
    • D. Kinetic energy into potential energy
     Correct Answer: Option A
    19.A saturated vapour pressure of a liquid increases when the
    • A. Temperature of a liquid increases
    • B. Volume of the liquid increases
    • C. Volume of the liquid decreases
    • D. Temperature of the liquid decreases 
     Correct Answer: Option A
    20.What force has to be exerted on a mass 60kg to give it an acceleration of 10ms-2 vertically upwards?
    [g = 10ms-2
    • A. 300N
    • B. 600N
    • C. 1200N
    • D. 400N 
      Correct Answer: Option C
    F = Ma + mg = 60 x 10 x 60 x 10 = 1200N

    21.A metre rule is pivoted at its mid-point with a vertical force of 10N hanging from the distance 30cm from the mid-point. At what distance must a 15N force hang to balance the ruler horizontally?
    • A. 30cm
    • B. 10cm
    • C. 20cm
    • D. 25m 

     Correct Answer: Option C
    Clockwise moment = Anti-clockwise moment
    10 x 30 = 15 x X
    X = 20cm
    22.A projectile is fired from the ground level with a velocity of 300ms-1 at an angle of a 30o to the horizontal.
    Calculate the time taken to reach the maximum height?
    [g = 10ms-2]
    • A. 30s
    • B. 20s
    • C. 25s
    • D. 15s 
     Correct Answer: Option D
    The total time of flight is given as

    Hence, time to maximum height is half of the total time of flight,
    t =
    = 15s
    23.A train with an initial velocity of 20ms-1 is subjected to a uniform deceleration of 2ms-2. The time required to bring the train to a complete halt is
    • A. 40s
    • B. 10s
    • C. 20s
    • D. 5s 
     Correct Answer: Option B
    t = =

    = 10s
    24. Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the shortest wavelength?
    • A. Visible Light
    • B. Ultraviolet rays
    • C. Infrared rays
    • D. Gamma rays 
     Correct Answer: Option D
    25.A radioactive isotope has a decay constant of 10-6s-1.
    Calculate its half - life?
    • A. 5.93 x 106s
    • B. 6.93 x 107s
    • C. 6.93 x 109s
    • D. 5.93 x 107
    Correct Answer: Option B
    t1/2 = =

    = 6.93 x 107

    26. Which of the following waves is both transverse and mechanical?
    • A. Water waves
    • B. Radio waves
    • C. Sound waves
    • D. X-rays 

    Correct Answer: Option A
    27. Calculate the temperature of 6 moles of an ideal gas at a pressure of 7.6 x 106Nm-2 with a volume of 10-3m3.
    [R = 8.3jmol-1K-1]
    • A. 201oC
    • B. 126oC
    • C. 153oC
    • D. 185o
     Correct Answer: Option C
    T = =

    = 153oC
    28. The relative density of a liquid is the ratio of the
    • A. Mass of water to the mass of an equal volume of liquid
    • B. Upthrust in the liquid to the upthrust in water
    • C. Density of water to the density of the liquid
    • D. Upthrust in water to the upthrust in the liquid 
     Correct Answer: Option B
    29. What will happen to the pressure of a gas if its temperature is reduced to -273oC?
    • A. It will decrease
    • B. it will drop to zero
    • C. It will increase
    • D. It will remain constant 
     Correct Answer: Option B
    30. Which of the following does Not use magnetic effect of current to function?
    • A. Lead acid accumulator
    • B. An electric bell
    • C. A moving coil galvanometer
    • D. A telephone receiver 
     Correct Answer: Option A

     31. Vapour is said to be saturated on top of an enclosed liquid if _________
    • A. The rate of condensation is greater than that of vapourization
    • B. The rate of condensation is equal to that of vapourization
    • C. There is neither condensation nor vaporization of the liquid
    • D. The rate of condensation is less that that of vaporization 
     Correct Answer: Option B
    32. A pool of water appears to be 1.00m deep when viewed vertically from above. What is the actual depth of the pool?
    [Refractive index of water = 1.33]
    • A. 13.300m
    • B. 0.750m
    • C. 1.013m
    • D. 1.330m 
     Correct Answer: Option D
    n = = 1.33 =

    Rd = 1.33 x 1 = 1.330m
    33. Shadows and eclipse result from the
    • A. Reflection of light
    • B. Rectilinear propagation of light
    • C. Diffraction of light
    • D. Refraction of light 
     Correct Answer: Option B
    34. Which of the following is obtained when a magenta is mixed with green colour?
    • A. Yellow
    • B. Blue
    • C. White
    • D. Red 
    Correct Answer: Option C

    35. Which of the following instruments can be used to measure current in an a.c circuit?
    • A. Hot wire ammeter
    • B. Moving coil ammeter
    • C. Tangent galvanometer
    • D. Moving coil galvanometer 
     Correct Answer: Option D

     36.Which of the following statements about wave motion is correct?
      • A. Electromagnetic waves are transverse
      • B. Transverse waves do not require a medium for propagation
      • C. Longitudinal waves vibrate perpendicular to the direction of travel
      • D. All mechanical waves are longitudinal
      Correct Answer: Option A
      37.A satellite revolving around the earth is kept on its orbit by
      • A. Centripetal forces only
      • B. Centripetal and frictional forces
      • C. Centrifugal forces only
      • D. Centripetal and centrifugal forces 

      Correct Answer: Option D
      38. A manometer is an instrument used for measuring
      • A. Relative density of liquid
      • B. Pressure in liquids and gases
      • C. Humidity
      • D. Atmospheric pressure 

      Correct Answer: Option B
      a manometer is used to measure pressure in liquids and gases. Manometer gauges measure the pressure of gases and vapors from atmospheric to about 1 Pa by balancing the force exerted by the gas or vapor against the weight of a column of liquid, usually mercury, water, or oil.
      39. A body which weighs 50N in air displaces 3.7kg of water when partially immersed in water. Calculate the upthrust on the body?
      • A. 8.7N
      • B. 37.0N
      • C. 87.0N
      • D. 13.0N 
      Correct Answer: Option B
      Upthrust = Weight or water displaced
      = 3.7 x 10 = 37N
      40. The impulse of a force is deduced from Newton's second law as
      • A. F = ma
      • B. F = m(
    • C. F = mg
    • D. F = mv - mu 
     Correct Answer: Option B

     41.Boiling occurs when the vapour pressure of a liquid is
    • A. At the evaporation point
    • B. Less than the atmospheric pressure
    • C. Greater than the atmospheric pressure
    • D. Equal to the atmospheric pressure 
     Correct Answer: Option D
    42. If the magnification of a virtual image formed by an object 10cm from a convex less is 3, then the focal length of the lens is
    • A. 10cm
    • B. 20cm
    • C. 25cm
    • D. 15cm 
     Correct Answer: Option D
    M = = 3 = . V = 30m

    + = = - =

    = = 15cm
    43.An electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition from the ground level to the third level. If the energy at the ground level,calculate the energy at the third level.
    [h = 6.6 x 10-34Js; f = 1015Hz]
    • A. 1.41eV
    • B. 1.71eV
    • C. 1.61eV
    • D. 1.51eV 
     Correct Answer: Option D
    E = = =

    = 1.51eV
    In the diagram above, which of the following velocity-time graphs shows uniform acceleration of a body from rest?
    • A. C
    • B. D
    • C. B
    • D.

    Correct Answer: Option C
    See the velocity-time graph.
    In the diagram above, the neutral point is at
    • A. R
    • B. X
    • C. S
    • D.
     Correct Answer: Option B

    From the diagram above, the measuring accuracy of the micrometer screw gauge is
    • A. 4.78mm
    • B. 4.16mm
    • C. 4.66mm
    • D. 4.70mm 
     Correct Answer: Option B
    In the diagram above, the direction of the force between N and S in the magnetic field is
    • A. MP
    • B. SN
    • C. NS
    • D. PM 
     Correct Answer: Option C
    48. Which of the following statements is Not true about atoms?
    • A. Atom of different elements have different atomic weights
    • B. The mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus
    • C. An atom is made up of a nucleus and number of electrons
    • D. Atoms of all elements are identical 
     Correct Answer: Option D
    49. The frequency of beats produced when two tunning forks of frequencies 258Hz and 270Hz are sounded close to each other
    • A. 6Hz
    • B. 264Hz
    • C. 528Hz
    • D. 12Hz 
    Correct Answer: Option D
    Beat = f2 - f1 = 270 - 258 = 12Hz
    50. Calculate the inductance of a coil of resistance 30
    connected to a 100V a.c source if the coil draws an r.m.s current of 2A
    • A. 0.60H
    • B. 2.50H
    • C. 1.25H
    • D. 0.04H 
     Correct Answer: Option D


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