English Language 2016 JAMB Past Questions

English Language 2016 JAMB Past Questions

1. These questions are based on A.H. Mohammed's The Last Days at Forcados High School.

At the end of term in Forcados High School. Nene was saddled with the responsibility of
  • A. leading her house in the race
  • B. packaging the gifts for presentation
  • C. arranging the school hall for dinner
  • D. organizing the carol night 
 Correct Answer: Option D
2. Efua was not in the good books of teachers at Forcados High School because
  • A. the students of Forcados did not like her
  • B. she was expelled from her previous school
  • C. she bribed the principal before she was admitted
  • D. her admission into senior class was unusual 
 Correct Answer: Option D
3. In the novel, Ansa looked around glumly when Jimi was engrossed in laughter and chatter because he was
  • A. neglected by Jimi
  • B. anxious to go home
  • C. distracted by a band playing on the field
  • D. given twelve strokes of the cane by the principal 
 Correct Answer: Option A
4. Mama Shilifat had an affection for Jimi because she always gave him
  • A. money to buy chewing gum
  • B. advice against bad students
  • C. the courage to do well in his class
  • D. the largest pieces of puff-puff 
 Correct Answer: Option D
5. Ansa licked his lips and said furtively, look this is between you and me. Jimi would be angry if i told you nut his brother is well, we suspect he sometimes sells drugs and...'

From the excerpt above, Ansa was talking to
  • A. Risikat and Nene
  • B. Novi
  • C. Caro
  • D. Efua and Nene 
 Correct Answer: Option D

 6.The speculation amongst the students of Forcados High School was that Jimi was dating
  • A. Risikat
  • B. Joke
  • C. Caro
  • D. Efua 
 Correct Answer: Option D
7. Mr Solade sent Jimi to Ibadan for the holidays in order to
  • A. save Jimi from Wole's bad influence
  • B. heed Jimi's request to stay with his friends
  • C. allow Jimi spend some time with his friends
  • D. allow Jimi to know more about Ibadan 
 Correct Answer: Option A
8. Students refused to sympathize with Efua when drinks spilled on her because
  • A. she would not accept their sympathy
  • B. she was Jimi's only girlfriend
  • C. they planned it to disgrace her
  • D. they felt she was arrogant 
 Correct Answer: Option D
9. Which of the following best describes Mr Mallum?
  • A. He was a fat, tall man with wimpish behaviour
  • B. He was a tall, wiry man with good diction
  • C. He was crude, rash and impatient
  • D. He was a small, wiry man with odd accent 
 Correct Answer: Option D
 10. According to the novel, Efua was in Forcados High School because
  • A. her stepfather was a board member
  • B. of her former principal's recommendation
  • C. the school needed her mother's support
  • D. of aunt Moni's gift to the school 
 Correct Answer: Option B

 11. Jimi and Efua, there's something fishy going on there....
From the exercept above, the expression...something fishy refers to
  • A. Nene's fear that Efua and Jimi were no longer going out
  • B. Nene's fear that Jimi was not determined to jilt Efua
  • C. Nene's annoyance that Efua might snatch Jimi from her
  • D. Nen's suspicion that Jimi and Efua were having a relationship 
 Correct Answer: Option D

12. Seyi Lawal, the head boy of the school was described as someone who
  • A. loved his job
  • B. hated Physics practical
  • C. loved interacting with girls
  • D. hated hard-work 
 Correct Answer: Option A
13. The author uses the novel to portray some of the
  • A. NGO's activities only
  • B. environment conditions
  • C. feelings of teachers only
  • D. societal problems 
 Correct Answer: Option D
14. Efua's guarded and hostile attitude towards boys could be traced to
  • A. the teachings she had from her cleric
  • B. stories she had heard from her aunt
  • C. the experience she had with her stepfather
  • D. her innate sense of justice 
 Correct Answer: Option C
15. Jimi was very prominent in Forcados High School because he was
  • A. the son of a great scholar
  • B. the only child of his parents
  • C. one of the school prefects
  • D. noted for his good paintings
 Correct Answer: Option C

  16. For this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the question.

Mr. Rufus bore the brunt in the last promotion examination.
  • A. Mr Rufus failed the examination woefully
  • B. Mr Rufus excelled in the examination
  • C. Mr. Rufus was excited about the examination
  • D. Mr. Rufus toyed with the examination 
 Correct Answer: Option A
17. For this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the question.

My friend is well off nowadays
  • A. My friend is financially sound
  • B. My friend is well known to people
  • C. My fiend is now well
  • D. My friend has lost focus 
 Correct Answer: Option A
18. For this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the question.

The retired army officer did a yeoman's service to the nation
  • A. His activity brought disrepute to the nation
  • B. His service to the nation was not exemplary
  • C. He was showered with the responsibilty of the yeoman
  • D. He was very loyal to the nation 
 Correct Answer: Option D
19. For this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the question.

He suddenly found himself in the thick of the situation
  • A. He did not agree with the situation
  • B. He used his experience to settle the sitution
  • C. He saved himself out of the situation
  • D. He found himself deeply involved in the situation 
 Correct Answer: Option D
be in the thick of something means = to be very involved at the busiest or most active stage of a situation or activity
20. For this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the question.

Olu and Ado are about to come to blows.
  • A. They are about to agree with each other
  • B. They are about to accept other people's opinion
  • C. They are about to hit each other
  • D. They are about to disagree with other people's 
 Correct Answer: Option C

21. For this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the question.

By refusing the offer, he has just cut down his own throat
  • A. He has made a big mistake
  • B. He has made the right decision
  • C. He has given up on his idea
  • D. He has used the Knife on his throat 
 Correct Answer: Option A
22. For this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the question.

These job cuts are just the thin end of the wedge
  • A. Job cuts are very rampant
  • B. Job cuts are the inconclusive
  • C. Job cuts are the beginning of unpleasant situations
  • D. Job cuts are the beginning of healthy rivalries 
 Correct Answer: Option C
23. For this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the question.

Jumai will do well if she was given a fair crack of the whip.
  • A. She would do well if she was given a fair whip
  • B. She would excel if she used the whip well
  • C. She would do well if she was given equal opportunity
  • D. She would do well if she was made to cry 
 Correct Answer: Option C
24.For this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the question.

Her death was a bolt from the blue to us
  • A. Her death bolted us together
  • B. Her death caused confusion
  • C. Her death sealed our hopes
  • D. Her death was unexpected 
 Correct Answer: Option D
25. For this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the question.

Her death was a bolt from the blue to us
  • A. Her death bolted us together
  • B. Her death caused confusion
  • C. Her death sealed our hopes
  • D. Her death was unexpected 
Correct Answer: Option D
 26. For this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the question.

The students were nosing around.
  • A. They were roaming about
  • B. They were searching for information
  • C. They were playing around
  • D. They were disseminating information 
 Correct Answer: Option B
Nose around/about something means to try to find out information about someone or something.

Example: A few kids were nosing around.
27. For this question, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

It is important not to let mistakes blight your life
  • A. damage
  • B. impart
  • C. improve
  • D. ruin 
 Correct Answer: Option C
28. For this question, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

The film was shot in decrepit police station.
  • A. an improved
  • B. a damaged
  • C. an impoverished
  • D. a dilapidated 
 Correct Answer: Option A
29. For this question, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

Jumoke is fond of carping her sister
  • A. praising
  • B. joking with
  • C. complaining about
  • D. faulting 
Correct Answer: Option A
30. For this question, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

A cup of coffee invigorated him
  • A. destroyed
  • B. energized
  • C. angered
  • D. debilitated 
 Correct Answer: Option D

 31. For this question, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

It is Iudicrous to suggest that she was a government agent
  • A. odd
  • B. exciting
  • C. farcical
  • D. sensible 
 Correct Answer: Option D
32. For this question, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

The idea makes me cringe
  • A. quiver
  • B. tremble
  • C. resolute
  • D. writhe 
 Correct Answer: Option C
33. For this question, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

His book was one of those that galvanized democracy
  • A. stimulated
  • B. encouraged
  • C. dissauded
  • D. promoted 
 Correct Answer: Option C
34. For this question, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

He walks in a gawky way
  • A. suitable
  • B. clumsy
  • C. lumbering
  • D. graceful 
 Correct Answer: Option D
35. For this question, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

The nation is in a period of economic flux
  • A. modification
  • B. change
  • C. fluidity
  • D. stability 
 Correct Answer: Option D

 36. For this question, choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

Our son was highly active and exuberant
  • A. subdued
  • B. fulsome
  • C. lively
  • D. bright 
 Correct Answer: Option A
37. For this question, choose the option nearest in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

Mr. Ojo has a fickle character.
  • A. a genuine
  • B. a stable
  • C. an imperfect
  • D. an unpredictable 
 Correct Answer: Option D
38. For this question, choose the option nearest in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

Bola takes......his father both in appearance and his manner
  • A. On
  • B. from
  • C. after
  • D. upon 
 Correct Answer: Option C
39. For this question, choose the option nearest in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

.........rich has its own problem
  • A. Being
  • B. Been
  • C. On being
  • D. On been 
 Correct Answer: Option A
40. For these questions, choose the option that best complete the gap(s)

The doctor listened to my heartbeat with a .........
  • A. cardiograph
  • B. stethoscope
  • C. chromometer
  • D. microscope 
 Correct Answer: Option B

 41. For these questions, choose the option that best complete the gap(s)

With strong determination, Adamu was able to .... the problem
  • A. surmount
  • B. surpass
  • C. defend
  • D. know 
 Correct Answer: Option A
42. For these questions, choose the option that best complete the gap(s)

It is impossible to say whether ......Ola and her sister will be offered jobs by the firm.
  • A. both
  • B. either
  • C. each
  • D. neither
 Correct Answer: Option A
43. For these questions, choose the option that best complete the gap(s)

He decided to wait for the bus because he had..........
  • A. many luggages
  • B. plenty luggages
  • C. a lot of luggage
  • D. too many luggage 
 Correct Answer: Option C
44. For these questions, choose the option that best complete the gap(s)

......lawyers enrolled at the Nigerian Bar last year....this year.
  • A. Very many/than
  • B. Same/as
  • C. More/than
  • D. As/ much 
 Correct Answer: Option C
45.For these questions, choose the option that best complete the gap(s)

The officer ....that he was not supposed to talk to the press on the matter
  • A. could have known
  • B. shall know
  • C. should have known
  • D. will know 
 Correct Answer: Option C

 46. For these questions, choose the option that best complete the gap(s)

He said, ' We shouldn't do it ........?
  • A. should we
  • B. should be
  • C. didn't we
  • D. said he 
 Correct Answer: Option A
47.For these questions, choose the option that best complete the gap(s)

After too much exercise, some people suffer from eramp which is caused by the ......... of the muscles
  • A. contraction
  • B. restriction
  • C. conscription
  • D. relaxation 
 Correct Answer: Option A
48.For these questions, choose the option that have same vowel sound as the ones represented by the letter (s) underlined

  • A. rich
  • B. police
  • C. queer
  • D. probity 
 Correct Answer: Option B
49. For these questions, choose the option that have same vowel sound as the ones represented by the letter (s) underlined

  • A. food
  • B. cough
  • C. sure
  • D. board 
 Correct Answer: Option D
50.For these questions, choose the option that have same vowel sound as the ones represented by the letter (s) underlined

  • A. soup
  • B. cook
  • C. pilot
  • D. colonel 
 Correct Answer: Option C


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