English Language 2017 JAMB Past Questions

English Language 2017 JAMB Past Questions


 1. Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in the meaning to the underlined word or group of words that will fill in the sentence.

At first we found life in the town very exciting but soon it became rather _______
  • A. tiring
  • B. disturbing
  • C. burdensome
  • D. boring 
 Correct Answer: Option D
exciting: ausing great enthusiasm and eagerness. example "one of the most exciting matches I've ever seen"
synonyms: thrilling · exhilarating · stirring · rousing · stimulating ·
boring: not interesting; tedious. example: "I've got a boring job in an office"
synonyms: tedious · dull · monotonous · repetitious · repetitive · unrelieved
 2. Suleiman's reason for becoming a Muslim in the novel is because Islam brings sense of ______?
  • A. radicalism and aggression
  • B. boldness and awareness
  • C. kindness and truthfulness
  • D. purpose and discipline
 Correct Answer: Option B
In chapter 30, Suleiman was resolute about tracing his roots and finally finding his identity amongst his people in Africa and in the religion, Islam
3. Select the option that best explain the information conveyed in the sentence

The man's Achilles' heel is women ________
  • A. His weakness is women
  • B. His strength is women
  • C. He fights women
  • D. He respects women 
 Correct Answer: Option A
The phase 'Achilles heel' means a small problem or weakness in a person or system that can result in failure. The phrase has it origin traced to the legend of Achilles, that tells the talk of Achilles, how he was dipped into the river styx by his mother, That is in order to make him in vulnerable. His heel wasn't covered by the water and he was later killed by a narrow wound to his heel.
4. Choose the most appropriate stress pattern from the options below

  • A. CON—sti—tu—tion
  • B. con—STI—tu—tion
  • C. con—sti—TU—tion
  • D. con—sti—tu—TION 
 Correct Answer: Option C
5.Choose the option that has the same consonant as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined

  • A. sharp
  • B. cheap
  • C. leisure
  • D. school 
 Correct Answer: Option A

 6. Choose the option that has the same consonant as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined

  • A. vehicle
  • B. khaki
  • C. rhyme
  • D. hammer 
 Correct Answer: Option A
7. Choose the option to which the given sentence relates

My Boss has an amiable DISPOSITION
  • A. Does your boss have an amiable disposition
  • B. Does my boss have an unfriendly disposition
  • C. Does my colleague have an amiable disposition?
  • D. Does my boss have an amiable complexion?
 Correct Answer: Option D
Still going by the rule when answering questions on emphatic stress, the option that doesn't have the emphasized word. In this case 'DISPOSITION' is the emphasized word on the only option without it is option D
8. Choose the most appropriate stress pattern from the options below

  • A. PAL—a—ta—ble
  • B. pal—A—ta—ble
  • C. pal—a—TA—ble
  • D. pal—a—ta—BLE 
Some words are made up of a root  and a suffix:
dangerous   =    root –> danger  +  ous –<  suffix
commercial   =    root –> commerc(e)  + al –<  suffix
In some words with suffixes, the stress stays on the same syllable as in the root. Compare:
‘danger and: ‘dangerous
In other words, the suffix changes the stressed syllable. Compare:
‘commerce and: com‘mercial
Suffixes which don’t usually change the stress pattern in the root word include (however they maybe some exceptions.) -able, -age, -al, -er, -ful, -less, -ness, -ous and -fy. For example:
comfort – ‘comfortable
per‘cent – per’centage
e‘lectric – e‘lectrical
‘amplify –‘amplifier
re‘gret – re‘gretful
re‘gard – re‘gardless
‘foolish – ‘foolishness
di‘saster – di‘sastrous
‘beauty – ‘beautify
(However they maybe some exceptions.) Exceptions with -able and -al include:
‘medicine – me‘dicinal
‘agriculture – agri‘cultural
9. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

Despite their newness on the job, the workers were remunerated rather handsomely. This means that _________?
  • A. the salaries were poor
  • B. those paid were handsome in appearance
  • C. the salaries were attractive
  • D. workers were paid by handsome accountants 
 Correct Answer: Option C
The word 'remunerate' as used in the sentence means paid for services rendered or work done, while the word 'handsomely' means to a large degree, substantially and also connotes attractiveness
10. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

The chairman is Parsimonious
  • A. Avaricious
  • B. thrifty
  • C. generous
  • D. accustomed 

   Correct Answer: Option C
The word Parsimonious means very unwilling to spend money or use resources. On the other hand 'Generous is the opposite', meaning to give more of something especially money
From the above meaning of each words of option, generous best describes the opposite of parsimonious, as every other option is synonymous to parsimonious

11. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

Now that Michael has become rich, Nancy has begun to make much of him. This means __________
  • A. now values Michael
  • B. now gets a lot of money from Michael
  • C. only recently married Michael
  • D. no longer wants to leave Michael 
 Correct Answer: Option A
12. Tayo opted to remain in Nigeria because he had a duty to serve his
  • A. students
  • B. wife
  • C. friends
  • D. brothers 

Correct Answer: Option A
In chapter 24, Tayo mentioned his student as one major reason why he wasn't open to the demand from his wife, Miriam, to leave the country
13.Choose the option nearest in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

This event was a watershed in the company
  • A. landmark
  • B. blot
  • C. publicity
  • D. stain 
 Correct Answer: Option A
The question has the word watershed italicized. The word means an event or perfect marking a turning point in a situation. It is synonymous to the word landmark which means an event or discovering marking an important stage or turning point in something
14. choose the best option that best completes the gap(s)

Snakes and ladders always______me happy these days
  • A. makes
  • B. make
  • C. made
  • D. making 

Correct Answer: Option B
According to the pluralia tantrums law of concord; whenever a pluralia tantrum appears, it must be followed by a singular verb. Pluralia tantrum are nouns that appear in plural forms, some of these words have finals, while some do not e.g Mathematics, economics, Darts, Snakes and ladders e.t.c.
15. Choose the word that best completes the following sentence.

I really like working in that office: I find the — very friendly
  • A. condition
  • B. atmosphere
  • C. air
  • D. situation 
 Correct Answer: Option B
Means the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or creative work

 16. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the underlined word

The delegates found it better to resort to consultation rather than __________
  • A. conflict
  • B. confrontation
  • C. reconciliation
  • D. consent 

Correct Answer: Option B
 Consultation ; the action or process of formally consulting or discussing. example: "they improved standards in consultation with consumer representatives"
synonyms: discussion, dialogue, discourse, debate, negotiation, conference, deliberation

confrontation; a hostile or argumentative situation or meeting between opposing parties.example "a confrontation with the legislature"
synonyms: conflict, clash, brush, fight, battle, contest, encounter, head-to-head, face-off, engagement, tangle, skirmish, collision, meeting, duel, incident, 

17. Choose the best option that best completes the gap(s)

The delegates were given_____
  • A. a two hour break
  • B. a two-hour break
  • C. a two-hours break
  • D. a two hours break 
 Correct Answer: Option B
 18. Choose the option nearest to the statement

My brother's drunkenness often got on my nerves. This means
  • A. disgraced him
  • B. made him ill
  • C. made me angry
  • D. offended me 
 Correct Answer: Option C
19. In the Novel "Independence" Tayo wrote a biography of ______?
  • A. Arthur Richardson
  • B. Lord Lugard
  • C. Obafemi Awolowo
  • D. Nnamidi Azikiw 
 Correct Answer: Option B
In chapter 27, Tayo's biography of Lord Lugard became his new success
20. From the options given, Choose the option that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word.

This house which was sealed off years ago has now been —
  • A. re-opened
  • B. rebuilt
  • C. re-roofed
  • D. restored 
 Correct Answer: Option A
Sealed off means to prevent people from entering a building 
 21. In the book "Independence" Tayo's uncle, Kayode, wanted to study Engineering in _______?
  • A. Britain
  • B. U.S.A
  • C. France
  • D. Germany 
 Correct Answer: Option C
In chapter sixteen, Tayo's uncle, Kayode, revealed to him that he was considering studying engineering at the Insitute du Petrole in France
22. Choose the most appropriate stress pattern from the options. The stressed are written in capital letters

  • A. judiCIAry
  • B. judiciaRY
  • C. JUdiciary
  • D. juDIciary 
 Correct Answer: Option D
23. From the options, choose the word opposite in meaning to the underlined word

He is quite an outspoken young man but his father is_____?
  • A. humorous
  • B. sober
  • C. taciturn
  • D. silent 
 Correct Answer: Option C
Outspoken: frank in stating one's opinions, especially if they are shocking or controversial. to be direct and open in speech and expression.
synonyms: forthright · direct · candid · frank · straightforward · honest · open · straight · straight from the shoulder · plain · plain-spoken · vociferous · vocal · explicit · point-blank ·
 taciturn: (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
"after such gatherings she would be taciturn and morose"
synonyms: untalkative · uncommunicative · reticent · unforthcoming · quiet · unresponsive · secretive · silent · tight-lipped · close-mouthed · mute · dumb · inarticulate · reserved

24. In the book "Independence" Wearing woolens, lamb cardigans, extra socks, gloves and Balliol scarf signified that Tayo was _______?
  • A. Cold
  • B. Going to a party
  • C. sick
  • D. walking in the rain 
 Correct Answer: Option A
Clothings, gloves, cardigans and extra socks are outfits worn during winter when the temperature is low, cold
25. The number of workers have increased steadily each year means _________
  • A. have increased steadily
  • B. steadily have increased
  • C. have been increasing steadily
  • D. has increased steadily 
 Correct Answer: Option D

 26. From the options, choose the word nearest in meaning to the underline word

By working hard, Benjamin outshone his elder brother instead of being ________
  • A. overshadowed
  • B. defeated
  • C. demoted
  • D. submerged 
 Correct Answer: Option A
outshine: shine more brightly than.
tower above and cast a shadow over.
synonyms: surpass, be superior to, overshadow, eclipse, outclass, dwarf, tower above/over, put in the shade, upstage, put to shame, excel, exceed
overshadow: tower above and cast a shadow over. example "an enormous oak tree stood overshadowing the cottage"
synonyms: shade · darken · conceal · obscure · block out ·
27. Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

The students received a mild reproof from the teacher
  • A. exhortation
  • B. opposition
  • C. commendation
  • D. appropriation 

Correct Answer: Option C
This answer was chosen because it is opposite to the word italicized in the question; reproof which means an expression of criticism, blame.
From the above meaning of the other options, it is obvious that non-fits for the opposite of the word 'reproof'.
Commendation means an official or a formal praise
28. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

Aisha impelled to the party
  • A. compelled
  • B. accompained
  • C. authority
  • D. finance 

Correct Answer: Option A
The words 'impel and compel' are synonymous impel means drive, force or urge someone to do something while compel means force or oblige someone to do something.

29. When you ____ an opponent's point in a debate, you must do so politely
  • A. refute
  • B. rebuke
  • C. reject
  • D. refuse 
 Correct Answer: Option A
30.Choose the options that have the same consonant as the ones represented by the letter(s) underlined

  • A. sure
  • B. ledger
  • C. treasure
  • D. judge 
 Correct Answer: Option C

31. Choose the most appropriate stress pattern from the options.

The stressed are written in capital letters
  • A. DEpartmental
  • B. dePARTmental
  • C. departMENtal
  • D. departmenTAL 
 Correct Answer: Option C
32. choose the option opposite in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

They come here on bootless errand
  • A. worthwhile
  • B. vain
  • C. delusive
  • D. intended 
 Correct Answer: Option A
The word bootless means ineffectual, useless of a task or undertaking, while the answer worthwhile means worth the time, effort spent
Bootless explains that the errand was useless while worthwhile explains it was the effort, which is also synonymous to the word useful
33. Choose the option to which the given sentence relates

Aderonke STATED she had a right to her privacy
  • A. Did Omowunmi state she had a right to her privacy?
  • B. Did Aderonke lament she had a right to her privacy?
  • C. Did Aderonke state she had a right to her openness?
  • D. did Aderonke state she had a right to his privacy 
 Correct Answer: Option B
34.Select the option that best explain the information conveyed in the sentence

The painting was beautifully faked
  • A. The painting was a good deceptive replica
  • B. The painting was well-framed and displayed
  • C. The painting was deceptively decorated
  • D. The painting was carefully designed 
Correct Answer: Option A
The painting being beautifully faced could also be described as a good deceptive replica, which means there is almost no difference in the fake painting and the original.
35. Choose the best option that best completes the gap(s)

The crops the farmer planted will be ____ in three months time.
  • A. sold
  • B. weeded
  • C. uprooted
  • D. harvested 

 Correct Answer: Option D

36. Choose the best option that best completes the gap(s)
Garba acquiesced______their decision
  • A. for
  • B. on
  • C. in
  • D. by 
 Correct Answer: Option C
The preposition 'in' is used to indicate interest or feeling
37. Select the option that best explain the information conveyed in the sentence

The letter was being written by the principal
  • A. The letter had been written by the principal
  • B. The principal was writing the letter
  • C. The principal wanted to write the letter
  • D. The principal wrote the letter 
Correct Answer: Option B
When the word 'being' is used in a past continuous tense, as it is in the above question, it means the action is happening sow or was happening before, in or continual manner, just like in the answer, the principal was writing the letter
38. Select the option that best explain the information conveyed in the sentence

Advising Olu to break his bad habit is like knocking your head against a brick wall
  • A. It is making a fool of you
  • B. It is trying the impossible
  • C. It is making him your enemy
  • D. It is asking him to beat you 
 Correct Answer: Option B
It is trying the impossible
The idiomatic expression 'knocking your hand against a brick wall' means to attempt continuously and fruitlessly to accomplish some task or achieve some goal that is or seems ultimately hopeless, more like it is impossible
39.Choose the best option that best completes the gap(s)

_____a good boy, he was given a prize
  • A. To being
  • B. Been
  • C. Being
  • D. To been 
Correct Answer: Option C
"Being" can be used as a gerund, a word that acts like a noun and looks like a verb.Being is the verb, boy is the noun.
 40. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

The children received gifts from doting parents
  • A. nagging
  • B. loving
  • C. humble
  • D. Docile 
 Correct Answer: Option B
The word doting was italicized in the question . It means to be extremely and uncritically fond to someone, to love dearly while loving means feeling or showing love and affection 
41.Fill in the Gap

The press will no longer be free when the new government starts to — newspapers
  • A. censure
  • B. edit
  • C. publish
  • D. censor 
 Correct Answer: Option D
42. In the novel "Independence" Tayo lied to Vanassa that Christine was his ______?
  • A. sister
  • B. niece
  • C. aunt
  • D. cousin 
 Correct Answer: Option D
In chapter Nine, Tayo was showing Vanessa his collection of photographs when Christines popped out and then he lied about her being his cousin.
43. Choose the best option that best completes the gap(s)

The_____event takes place every two years
  • A. bienial
  • B. biannual
  • C. biennial
  • D. biannal 
Correct Answer: Option C
Biannual occurring twice a year. this means an event that is celebrated two times in a year.  while
Biennial means an event/occassion that takes place every two years. occuring once in every two years.

44. Fill in the Gap

Mr Collins does not allow his name to be published in connection with the philanthropy because he _____ publicity
  • A. wields
  • B. lacks
  • C. detests
  • D. defines 
 Correct Answer: Option C
45. The first time Paul met Ngozi, her beauty caught his eye. This means that _________
  • A. Ngozi admired Paul
  • B. Paul recognized Ngozi.
  • C. Ngozi attracted Paul.
  • D. Paul surprised Ngozi 
 Correct Answer: Option C

 46. From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s)

  • A. vague
  • B. mirage
  • C. logic
  • D. legume 
 Correct Answer: Option B
the ''ge'' in mirage have the same vowel sound as the ''ge'' in strange
strange is pronounced as  [streɪn(d)ʒ]
while mirage is pronounced as (mɪˈrɑːʒ) . mirage is therefore the correct answer
47. This question is based on S. L. Manyika's INDEPENDENCE

According to Tayo the two major problems of Nigeria were
  • A. tribalism and religion
  • B. politics and culture
  • C. bribery and corruption
  • D. greed and mismanagement 
 Correct Answer: Option D
Chapter Twenty-one (21) of the book gave a narrative about how Tayo had been writing about the problems of Nigeria and how he believed that greed and mismanagement were the root causes of the problems
48. The government has decided to freeze student's grants. This means that government intends to
  • A. reduce grants meant for students
  • B. resume paying grants to students
  • C. make students repay the grants
  • D. stop paying grants to students 
 Correct Answer: Option D
49. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the word or phrase in italics

This case is within the jurisdiction of the council
  • A. record
  • B. prohibition
  • C. authority
  • D. finance 
 Correct Answer: Option C
'Jurisdiction' the italicized word in the question means the official power to make legal decision and judgement while authority, the answer, is synonymous in that it means the power or right to give orders, make decisions
50.Choose the option opposite in meaning to the word underlined

One of the twins was as daring as the other was ______
  • A. morose
  • B. timid
  • C. secretive
  • D. rational 
 Correct Answer: Option B
Daring means to be audaciously bold or adventurous.
Timid means Lack of boldness


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