Economics 2020 JAMB CBT Questions

 Economics 2020 JAMB CBT Questions

  1. The privatization of public enterprises will lead to efficient management of resources in the economy. This statement can best be described as_____________

  • A. deductive reasoning
  • B. positive reasoning
  • C. normative reasoning
  • D. inductive reasoning 
 Correct Answer: Option A
2.The type of business finance that entitles the holder to a fixed rate of dividend is______________--
  • A. bank load
  • B. debenture
  • C. preferred stock
  • D. semi-fixed 
 Correct Answer: Option C
3. In the long run, all production factors are____________
  • A. variable
  • B. fixed
  • C. semi-variable
  • D. semi-fixed 
 Correct Answer: Option A
4.Commercial bank reserves at the Central Bank____________
  • A. advancing trade, prospects
  • B. controlling credit and money supply
  • C. reducing bank frauds
  • D. discouraging banking operations 
 Correct Answer: Option A
5.If the standard deviation of a given data is 8.2, find its variance_______________
  • A. 82.0
  • B. 91.8
  • C. 67.2
  • D. 4.1 
 Correct Answer: Option C

 6. The ultimate objectives of economics is to_________?
  • A. decide under what circumstances that government should intervene in the economy
  • B. Organize production at the lowest cost
  • C. Make the best use of scarce resources
  • D. make efforts to understands how the economy works 
 Correct Answer: Option C
7.The savings deposit in a commercial bank is called____________?
  • A. near money
  • B. call money
  • C. capital
  • D. fund 
 Correct Answer: Option C
8.A major determinant of the demand for a luxury good is____________?
  • A. the price of other goods
  • B. the price of the good
  • C. tastes and fashion
  • D. the income of consumers 
 Correct Answer: Option A
9.When a variable is associated with time period, it is_____________
  • A. circular
  • B. a flow
  • C. static
  • D. a stock 
 Correct Answer: Option A
10.The factor of production that has the highest degree of mobility is__________?
  • A. entrepreneurship
  • B. land
  • C. labour
  • D. capital 
Correct Answer: Option C
11.The minimum number of share holders for joint stock companies is_______________
  • A. 4
  • B. 2
  • C. 7
  • D.
 Correct Answer: Option C
12. If a demand curve that intersects a perfectly inelastic supply curve shift is rightward, then____________
  • A. only the quantity will increase
  • B. The prices will remain constant
  • C. the equilibrium price and quantity will increase
  • D. only the price will increase 
Correct Answer: Option C

13. The basic economic problems of society include___________
  • A. scarcity, for whom to produce and where
  • B. what to produce, how and for whom
  • B. scarcity, when to produce and how
  • D. how to produce and sell
 Correct Answer: Option B

14. In an open economy, the GNP is measured as_____________?
  • A. C + 1 + G(X-M)
  • B. C + 1 + G
  • C. C + 1 + G + X
  • D. C + 1 + G + M
Correct Answer: Option A
15. In a developing economy, productivity is measured by the____________
  • A. output - labour ratio
  • B. capital - output ratio
  • C. output growth rate
  • D. Output per capital 
 Correct Answer: Option C

16. The need to construct a scale of preference is necessitated by____________
  • A. scarcity and the need for choice
  • B. The needs to satisfy wants
  • C. Non - availability of factors of production
  • D. Scarcity of resources 
 Correct Answer: Option A
17. The privatization exercise in Nigeria is a move towards a____________
  • A. command economy
  • B. mixed economy
  • C. subsistence economy
  • D. market economy 

Correct Answer: Option D
18. The mean is the best measure of central tendency because it__________
  • A. can be calculated from incomplete data
  • B. is a balancing point in an observation
  • C. is a midpoint value in an array of data
  • D. is not affected by extreme values in a data 
 Correct Answer: Option B
No of Men 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total Product(unit) 200 440 540 600 640 660 660 640
  • A. N110
  • B. N120
  • C. N220
  • D. N330 
 Correct Answer: Option B
The current stage of the economy is depicted in curve I. The movement of curve I to II suggests___________
  • A. an Improvement in capital goods technology but not In consumer goods technology
  • B. a movement from unemployment to full employment
  • C. that the output for the society has declined
  • D. a gain in consumer goods technique and not in capital goods technique 
 Correct Answer: Option B

21.When elasticity is zero, the demand curve is_____________
  • A. circular
  • B. downward sloping
  • C. perfectly inelastic
  • D. concave 
 Correct Answer: Option C
22. Which of the following is not a direct tax?
  • A. capital gains tax
  • B. purchase tax
  • C. personal income tax
  • D. capital tax 

Correct Answer: Option B
23. A limited liability company is owned by________________
  • A. a bank
  • B. an individual
  • C. two or more partners
  • D. share holders 
Correct Answer: Option D

24. If the price of a ball point pen falls from N1.00 to No.60 and the quantity demanded increases. from 200 to 300, the point elasticity of demand is equal to____________
  • A. 0.50
  • B. 0.40
  • C. 1.25
  • D. 0.80 
 Correct Answer: Option A
25. If the price elasticity of demand for a good is 0.43 an increase in the price of the good will result in____________
  • A. a decrease in profit by 43%
  • B. an increase in profit by 43%
  • C. a net loss
  • D. a net gain 
 Correct Answer: Option A

26. The money paid per hour for work done is_________
  • A. cost
  • B. salary
  • C. bonus
  • D. wage rate 
 Correct Answer: Option D
From the graph above the consumer will attain equilibrium at point_______________
  • A. J
  • B. K
  • C. M
  • D. L
Correct Answer: Option B
28. By utility we mean____________
  • A. beneficial
  • B. power of satisfying a want
  • C. advantageous
  • D. consumable 

Correct Answer: Option B
29. Concentrating industries in one place is advantageous because there are gains in terms of_____________
  • A. cost economies
  • B. economies of scale
  • C. internal economies
  • D. external economies
Correct Answer: Option B
30. The effects on the demand for product A caused by a change in the price of product B is Called____________
  • A. Joint demand
  • B. cross-elasticity of demand
  • C. elasticity of supply
  • D. competitive demand 
 Correct Answer: Option A
31. An upward movement along the same supply curve result in_____________
  • A. a decrease in price
  • B. an increase
  • C. an increase in quantity supplied
  • D. a decrease In quantity supplied 
 Correct Answer: Option C
32. The coefficient of the price elasticity of supply is always_____________
  • A. Constant
  • B. Zero
  • C. Positive
  • D. Negative
Correct Answer: Option C
33. In the history of economics the concept of division of labour is usually associated With______________-
  • A. Karl Marx
  • B. Adam Smith
  • C. David Ricardo
  • D. J.M Keynes 
 Correct Answer: Option B
34. Given that Y = C + 1, where C = 50 + 0.75 and 1 = N45m, what is the equilibrium level of income?
  • A. N20m
  • B. N380m
  • C. N200m
  • D. N180m
Correct Answer: Option B
From the diagram shown, the optional point of production is_____________?
  • A. R
  • B. T
  • C. S
  • D.
 Correct Answer: Option C

36. An ad valorem tax is imposed on_____?
  • A. Exports
  • B. Imports
  • C. The Value of a Commodity
  • D. Special Commodities 

Correct Answer: Option C
An ad valorem tax (Latin for "according to value") is a tax whose amount is based on the value of a transaction or of property. It is typically imposed at the time of a transaction, as in the case of a sales tax or value-added tax (VAT).
37. The labour force of a country is determined by the___________
  • A. geographical distribution of the population
  • B. age structure of the population
  • C. number of people available for work
  • D. sex distribution of the population 
 Correct Answer: Option B
38. The transfer of public share holding in corporations to private enterprise is___________?
  • A. Incorporation
  • B. Concession
  • C. Privatization
  • D. Commercialization 
 Correct Answer: Option C
39. An economy in which both the public and private sectors contribute to economic growth is a__________?
  • A. socialist economy
  • B. feudal economy
  • C. mixed economy
  • D. capitalist economy 
 Correct Answer: Option C
40.A  capital market differs from the money market in that in the former ________?
  • A. The percentage of interest charged is more
  • B. Loan sought is long term
  • C. Loan repayment is guaranteed
  • D. Loan sought is short-term 

Correct Answer: Option B
Basically the difference between the capital markets and money markets is that capital markets are for long term investments, companies are selling stocks and bonds in order to borrow money from their investors to improve their company or to purchase assets. Whereas money markets are more of a short term borrowing.

41. The reduction in the value of a country’s currency in relation to the value of the currencies of other nation is known as____________
  • A. Deflation
  • B. Inflation
  • C. Devaluation
  • D. Revaluation 
 Correct Answer: Option C
X 8 10 12 16 18 20 24
F 2 1 4 3 3 1 6

From the table, Calculate the median___________
  • A. 24.0
  • B. 17.0
  • C. 18
  • D. 16 

Correct Answer: Option D
When a group data is involved, cumulative frequency is used. The formula will be:
  For member of odd number items. That is, where N is odd
  For member of odd number items. That is, where N is odd
X 8 10 12 16 18 20 24
F 2 1 4 3 3 1 6
Cumulative Frequency 2 3 7 10 13 14 20

When a group data is involved, cumulative frequency is used. The formula will be:
  For member of odd number items. That is, where N is odd
  For member of odd number items. That is, where N is odd
43. The expression of cost in terms of alternative forgone is referred to as ____?
  • A. Scarce resources
  • B. Decision making
  • C. Opportunity cost
  • D. Choice 
Correct Answer: Option C
Opportunity cost is defined as the expression of cost in terms of alternative forgone. It is the satisfaction of one’s want at the expense of another want.
44. The full meaning of NAPEP is?
  • A. National Poverty Eradication Programme
  • B. National Agency for Poverty and Education Program
  • C. National Air Pollution and Environmental Purification
  • D. None of the above
Correct Answer: Option A
National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) is a 2001 program by the government aimed at poverty reduction, in particular, reduction of absolute poverty. NAPEP goals include training youths in vocational trades, to support internship, to support micro-credit, create employment in the automobile industry and help VVF (Vesico-vaginal fistula) patients.
45. Taxes and government expenditures are instruments of____________
  • A. Monetary policy
  • B. Tax policy
  • C. Economic policy
  • D. Fiscal policy 

Correct Answer: Option D
Fiscal policy may be defined as the use of income and expenditure instruments or policies to control or regulate the economic activities in a country. It is a plain action by government pertaining to the raising of revenue through taxation and other means and the pattern of expenditure to be applied.

46. As a factor of production, the reward for land is?
  • A. Profit
  • B. Interest
  • C. Rent
  • D. Wage 
 Correct Answer: Option C
As factors of production, the reward for land is rent, capital is interest, labour is wages and salaries and entrepreneur is profit.
Rent is the reward for Land as a factor of production
The diagram below represents a production function. At which of the points does diminishing returns set in__________
  • A. R
  • B. S
  • C. T
  • D. V
Correct Answer: Option C
Production function refers to the functional relationship between the quantity of a good produced (output) and the factors of production (inputs). The production function relates the maximum amount of output that can be obtained from a given number of inputs.

Law of diminishing returns states that as more units of a variable input are added to fixed amounts of land and capital, the charge in total output will first rise and then fall.
48. The two major types of international trade are Bilateral trade and?
  • A. Internal trade
  • B. Multilateral trade
  • C. Dilateral trade
  • D. Trilateral trade
A country's budget allocation to various sectors of the economy is shown in the pie chart .

 If the budget of the country was $7,200.00, how much is allocated to education?
  • A. $2,400.00
  • B. $2,000.00
  • C. $1,200.00
  • D. $1,000.00
Correct Answer: Option B
Multilateral trade is a type of international trade in which a country trades with many other countries. This ensures international division of labour. It is the type of trade in which many countries exchange their goods and services
50. In a capitalist economy, factors of production are owned and controlled by the _____?

  • A. Citizen
  • B. Business Men
  • C. Government
  • D. Foreigners 

Correct Answer: Option B
Capitalism or free market economy may be defined as the type of economic system in which the means of production are owned and controlled by private individuals that is; it is characterized by private ownership of the means of production. In this case, the private individuals play a greater role than the government in taking decisions on what to produce, how to produce, for whom to produce and the distribution of what has been produced.


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