Biology 2010 JAMB Past Questions

Biology 2010 JAMB Past Questions

1. Which of the following characterizes a mature plant cell?
  • A. the nucleus is pushed to the centre of the cell
  • B. the cell wall is made up of cellulose
  • C. the nucleus is small and irregular in shape
  • D. the cytoplasm fills up the entire cell space
Correct Answer: Option B
2.Which of the following is NOT a function of the nucleus of a cell?
  • A. it translates genetic information for the manufacture of proteins
  • B. it stores and carries hereditary information
  • C. it is reservoir of energy for the cell
  • D. it controls the life processes of the cell
Correct Answer: Option C
3. The dominant phase in the life cycle of a fern is the?
  • A. prothallus
  • B. sporophyte
  • C. antheridium
  • D. gametophyte
Correct Answer: Option B
4. Parental care is exhibited by
  • A. snails
  • B. earthworms
  • C. birds
  • D. toads
Correct Answer: Option C
5. Which of the following groups of cells is devoid of true nuclei
  • A. algae
  • B. monera
  • C. fungi
  • D. viruses
Correct Answer: Option B
6. Which of the following is true of the transverse section of a dicot system?
  • A. the xylem is more interiory located than the phleom
  • B. the cambium lies between the cortex and the vascular bundles
  • C. the vascular bundles are randomly scattered within the cortex
  • D. the epidemis is completely encircled by the cortex
Correct Answer: Option A
7.Which of the following is lacking in the diet of a person with kwashiorkor?
  • A. proteins
  • B. carbohydrates
  • C. minerals
  • D. vitamins
Correct Answer: Option A
8. The mode of nutrition of sun dew and bladder wort can be described as
  • A. saprophytic
  • B. holozoic
  • C. chemosynthetic
  • D. autotrophic
Correct Answer: Option B
9. When a mixture of a food substance and Benedict's solution was warmed, the solution changed from blue to brick-red. This indicates the presence of
  • A. reducing sugar
  • B. fatty acid
  • C. sucrose
  • D. amino acid
Correct Answer: Option A
During a water bath, which is usually 4–10 minutes, the solution of the mixture and Benedict's solution should progress in the colors of blue (with no reducing sugar present), orange, yellow, green, red, and then brick red precipitate or brown (with high reducing sugar present). A color change would signify the presence of a reducing sugar.
10. The primary structure responsible for pumping blood for circulation through the mammalian circulatory systems is the
  • A. veins
  • B. right auricle
  • C. arteries
  • D. left ventricle
Correct Answer: Option D

11. Circulation of blood to all parts of the body except the lungs is through
  • A. the pulmonary artery
  • B. systemic circulation
  • C. the lympahatic system
  • D. pulmonary circulation
Correct Answer: Option B
12. Yeast respires anaerobically to convert simple sugar to carbon (IV) oxide and
  • A. alcohol
  • B. acid
  • C. oxygen
  • D. water
Correct Answer: Option A
13. The sheet of muscle that separates the thoracic and the abdominal cavities is the
  • A. diaphragm
  • B. intercostal muscle
  • C. pleural memberane
  • D. pericardium
Correct Answer: Option A
14. The oily substance that lubricates the mammalian hair to keep it flexible and water repellent is secreted by the
  • A. sweet glands
  • B. sebaceous glands
  • C. fatty cells
  • D. granular layer
Correct Answer: Option B
15. The outer layer of the kidney where the Bowman's capsules are found is the
  • A. cortex
  • B. peivis
  • C. medulla
  • D. pyramid
Correct Answer: Option A
Each urinary tubule begins in the CORTEX as a cup-like structure known as the Bowman's capsule.

16. Which of the following stimuli is likely to elicit a nastic response in an organism?
  • A. Touch
  • B. Light intensity
  • C. Chemical substances
  • D. Gravity
Correct Answer: Option C
17. In the male reproductive system of a mammal, sperm is stored in the
  • A. van deferens
  • B. urethra
  • C. epididymis
  • D. seminiferous tubules
Correct Answer: Option C
18. Chemosynthetic organisms are capable of manufacturing their food from simple inorganic substances through the process of
  • A. oxidation
  • B. denitrification
  • C. reduction
  • D. phosphorylation
Correct Answer: Option A
In biochemistry, chemosynthesis is the biological conversion of one or more carbon molecules (usually carbon dioxide or methane) and nutrients into organic matter using the oxidation of inorganic (e.g. hydrogen gas, hydrogen sulfide) or methane as a source of energy, rather than sunlight, as in photosynthesis.
19. The part of the human gut that has an acidic content is the
  • A. stomach
  • B. duodenum
  • C. ileum
  • D. colon
Correct Answer: Option A
I. Stomata → Spirogyro II. Alveoli → Earthworm III. Malpighian tubule → Mammal IV. Contractile vacuole → Protozoa.
Which of the above structures is correctly matched with the organisms in which it is found?
  • A. lll
  • B. ll
  • C. l
  • D. IV
Correct Answer: Option D
21. A food chain always begins with a
  • A. consumer
  • B. decomposer
  • C. producer
  • D. primary consumer
Correct Answer: Option C
22. Mycorrhizae promote plant growth by
  • A. absorbing inorganic ions from the soil
  • B. protecting it from infection
  • C. helping it to utilize atmospheric nitrogen
  • D. serving as a growth regulator
Correct Answer: Option D
23. The barrier between maternal and foetal blood is the
  • A. placenta
  • B. liver
  • C. umbilical chord
  • D. uterine wall
Correct Answer: Option A
24. The blood component that has the greatest affinity for oxygen is the
  • A. lymphocytes
  • B. leucocytes
  • C. erythrocytes
  • D. thrombocytes
Correct Answer: Option C
25. Which of the following organisms is mainly found in the marine habitat?
  • A. Achatina
  • B. Tilapia
  • C. Dog fish
  • D. Tortoise
Correct Answer: Option C


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