Biology 2013 JAMB Past Questions

Biology 2013 JAMB Past Questions

1. The process in which complex substances are broken down into simpler ones is referred to as
  • A. anabolism
  • B. catabolism
  • C. metabolism
  • D. tropism
Correct Answer: Option B
2. The organ which is sensitive to light in Euglena is the
  • A. gullet
  • B. flagellum
  • C. chloroplast
  • D. eyespot
Correct Answer: Option D
3. The organelles present in cells that are actively respiring and photosynthesizing are
  • A. lysosomes and ribosomes
  • B. Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum
  • C. nucleus and centrioles
  • D. mitrochondria and chloroplast
Correct Answer: Option D
4. Taenia solium can be found in
  • A. cow
  • B. goat
  • C. dog
  • D. pig
Correct Answer: Option D
5. Which of the following describes a characteristic of arthropods?
  • A. The organism finds it easy to grow freely
  • B. the organism has a pair of jointed appendages
  • C. the body is not divided into a number of segments seg
  • D. the body is covered by chitin
Correct Answer: Option D

6. Which of the following distinguishes a butterfly from a moth?
  • A. the wings of butterfly rest horizontally but those of moth rest vertically
  • B. Both are active during the day
  • C. they have similar antennae
  • D. the abdomen of moth is fatter than that of butterfly
Correct Answer: Option A
7. Which of the following types of feathers is used for flight in birds?
  • A. Quill
  • B. Filoplume
  • C. covert
  • D. Down
Correct Answer: Option A
8. The plants that grow in deserts or very dry areas are referred to as
  • A. mesophytes
  • B. hydrophytes
  • C. epiphytes
  • D. xerophytes
Correct Answer: Option D
9. Which of the following is the simplest living organism?
  • A. Paramecium
  • B. Virus
  • C. Amoeba
  • D. Chlamydomonas
Correct Answer: Option B
If viruses, prions, satellites, nanobes, nanobacteria (non-free-living sub-bacterial organisms) are excluded, the simplest free-living organism known is Mycoplasma genitalium, with a genome of only 580,000 base pairs and 482 protein-coding genes.
10. Proboscis is a structure that is mostly found in
  • A. insects
  • B. tapeworms
  • C. amphibians
  • D. molluses
Correct Answer: Option A

11. The structural adaptation of desert plants for water conservation is
  • A. broad leaves with numerous stomata
  • B. spongy mesophyll
  • C. spiny leaves
  • D. prominent stomata in leaves
Correct Answer: Option C
12. The long and sharp clawed feet of birds is an adaptation for
  • A. crushing seeds
  • B. scooping mud
  • C. tearing flesh
  • D. grasping prey
Correct Answer: Option D
13. During the manufacture of food by plants, which of the following organism use energy from the sun?
  • A. anabaena
  • B. sulfur bacteria
  • C. nitrosomonas sp
  • D. nitrobacter sp
Correct Answer: Option A
14. Movement of minerals and chemical compounds with a plant occurs during
  • A. osmosis
  • B. translocation
  • C. transpiration
  • D. diffusion
Correct Answer: Option B
15. The enzyme that is present in the saliva is
  • A. rennin
  • B. lipase
  • C. pepsin
  • D. ptyalin
Correct Answer: Option D

16. Plants that have special devices for trapping and digesting insects are
  • A. carnivorous
  • B. symbiotic
  • C. parasitic
  • D. saprophytic
Correct Answer: Option A
17. The process of transforming the chemical energy of cellular fuels into the high energy bonds of ATP in plants is
  • A. autotrophism
  • B. photosysnthesis
  • C. photolysis
  • D. respiration
Correct Answer: Option D
18. Fungi are referred to as hetotrophs because they
  • A. are filamentous
  • B. lack chlorophyll
  • C. have mycelium
  • D. lack roots
Correct Answer: Option B
19. An example of a parasitic protozoan is
  • A. Paramecium
  • B. Plasmodium
  • C. Eughlena
  • D. Chlamydomonas
Correct Answer: Option B
20. Which blood cell are involved in the immune response of vertebrates?
  • A. Phagoecytes
  • B. lymphocytes
  • C. erythrocytes
  • D. monocytes
Correct Answer: Option B
21. The blood circulatory system of vertebrates consists of
  • A. heart, arteries, capillaries and veins
  • B. heart, aorta, capillaries and veins
  • C. heart, aorta, arteries and veins
  • D. heart, vena cava, arteries, and veins
Correct Answer: Option A
22. A plant tissue that carries water and mineral salts is the
  • A. cambium
  • B. xylem
  • C. cortex
  • D. phloem
Correct Answer: Option B
23. Which of the following helps in the clotting of blood?
  • A. Red blood cells
  • B. White blood cells
  • C. Plasma
  • D. Platelets
Correct Answer: Option D
24. The part of the mammalian skin involved in excretion is the
  • A. sweat glands
  • B. malpighian layer
  • C. sebaceous gland
  • D. horny layer
Correct Answer: Option A
25. Which of the following forms about 55% of the volume of the blood in man?
  • A. leucocytes
  • B. platelets
  • C. plasma
  • D. erythrocytes
Correct Answer: Option C


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