Biology 2011 JAMB Past Questions

Biology 2011 JAMB Past Questions

1. The function of the red head in male Agama lizards is to
  • A. conceal and camouflage the animal from predators
  • B. scare other males from the territory
  • C. attract female lizards for mating purposes
  • D. warm predators of the distastefulness of the animal
Correct Answer: Option C
2. In which of the following species is the biomass of an individual the smallest ?
  • A. Agama sp
  • B. Bufo sp
  • C. Spirogyra sp
  • D. Tilapia sp
Correct Answer: Option C
3. Seed plants are divided into
  • A. trachephytes and ferns
  • B. angiosperms and gymonsperms
  • C. monocotyledons and dicotyledons
  • D. thallophytes and bryophytes
Correct Answer: Option B
4. In which of the following groups of vertebrates is parental care mostly exhibited ?
  • A. Reptilia
  • B. Amphibia
  • C. Aves
  • D. Mammalia
Correct Answer: Option D
5. The adaptive importance of nuptial flight from termite colonies is to
  • A. disperse the reproductives in order to establish new colonies
  • B. provide abundant food for birds and other animals during the early rains
  • C. ensure cross-breeding between members of one colony and another
  • D. expel the reproductives so as to provide enogh food for other members 
Correct Answer: Option A

6. An example of an endospermous seed is
  • A. maize gain
  • B. cashew nut
  • C. cotton seed
  • D. been seed
Correct Answer: Option A
7. Which of the following can cause shrinkage of living cells?
  • A. Hypotonic solution
  • B. Isotonic solution
  • C. Deionized water
  • D. Hypertonic solution
Correct Answer: Option D
8. Which of the following is true of leucocytes?
  • A. they are respiratory pigments
  • B. they are most numerous and ramify all cells
  • C. they are large and nucleated
  • D. they are involved in blood clotting
Correct Answer: Option C
9. The conversion of a nutrient into a molecule in the body of a consumer is referred to as
  • A. digestion
  • B. assimilation
  • C. absorption
  • D. inhibition
Correct Answer: Option B
10. The ability of living organism to detect and respond to changes in the environment is referred to as
  • A. locomotion
  • B. irritability
  • C. growth
  • D. taxis
Correct Answer: Option B
11. In mammals, the exchange of nutrients and metabolic products occurs in the
  • A. lungs
  • B. oesophagus
  • C. trachea
  • D. lymph
Correct Answer: Option D
12. In mammals, the exchange of nutrients and metabolic products occurs in the
  • A. lungs
  • B. oesophagus
  • C. trachea
  • D. lymph
Correct Answer: Option D
I. Parasitism → Sundew. ll. Autotrophism →Amoeba. III. Saprophytism → Alga. IV Heterotrophism → Agama.

Which of the above modes of nutrition is correctly matched with the organism that exhibits it?
  • A. ll
  • B. lll
  • C. lV
  • D. l
Correct Answer: Option C
Agamas are primarily insectivores. They're active hunters that chase their prey, snapping it up in their jaws or grabbing it with their sticky tongues.
Use the following information to answer the question below.
I. Test tube containing cane sugar and water . ll. Test tube containing cane sugar and diluted acid. III. Test tube containing cane sugar and its degrading enzyme .
In which of the test tubes will glucose be detected after complete hydrolysis?
  • A. l and ll only
  • B. ll and lll only
  • C. l only
  • D. l, ll and lll
Correct Answer: Option B
Use the following information to answer the question below.
I. Test tube containing cane sugar and water . ll. Test tube containing cane sugar and diluted acid. III. Test tube containing cane sugar and its degrading enzyme .
The enzyme involved in the hydrolysis is
  • A. rennin
  • B. erepsin
  • C. sucrase
  • D. maltase
Correct Answer: Option C
16. The part of the mammalian ear responsible for the maintenance of balance is the
  • A. cochlea
  • B. pinna
  • C. perilymph
  • D. vestibular system
Correct Answer: Option D
The inner ear is made up of both hearing (auditory) and balance (vestibular) components. As already mentioned, the cochlea is that part of the inner ear involved with hearing. (The semicircular canals and the vestibular are the parts of the inner ear involved with balance.)
17. The path followed by air as it passes through the lungs in mammals is
  • A. trachea → bronchi → bronchioles → alveoli
  • B. bronchi → trachea → alveoli → bronchioles
  • C. trachea → bronchioles → alveoli
  • D. bronchioles → alveoli → bronchi →trachea
Correct Answer: Option A
18.The movement response of a cockroach away from a light source can be described as
  • A. positive phototaxism
  • B. negative phototaxism
  • C. negative phototropism
  • D. positive phototropism
Correct Answer: Option B
19. The vascular tissues in higher plants are responsible for
  • A. the movement of food and water
  • B. suction pressure
  • C. transpiration pull
  • D. the transport of gases and water
Correct Answer: Option A
20. Which of the following organs regulates the levels of water, salts , hydrogen ions and urea in the mammalian blood?
  • A. Liver
  • B. Kidney
  • C. Bladder
  • D. Colon
Correct Answer: Option B
The sequence of the one-way gaseous exchange mechanism in a fish is
  • A. operculum → gills → mouth
  • B. gills → operculum → mouth
  • C. mouth → operculum → gils
  • D. mouth → gills → operculum
Correct Answer: Option D

22. The type of asexual reproduction that is common to both Paramecium and protists is
  • A. budding
  • B. sporulation
  • C. fragmentation
  • D. fission
Correct Answer: Option D
23.In nature, plants and animals are perpetually engaged in mutualism because
  • A. they are rivals
  • B. all animals rely on food produced by plants
  • C. they utilize respiratory wastes of each other
  • D. they are neighbours
Correct Answer: Option C
In an experiment to determine the percentage of humus and water in a soil sample, the following results were obtained
Weight of the evaporating basin alone = 80.5g
Weight of basin and soil = 101.5g
Weight after drying the soil in the oven = 99.0g
Weight of basin and roasted soil = 95.5g
The percentage of humus in the soil sample is
  • A. 16.7%
  • B. 17.6%
  • C. 26.7%
  • D. 16.2%
Correct Answer: Option A
Mass of Soil = 101.5 - 80.5 = 21.0g
Mass of humus = (99.0 - 95.5)g = 3.5g
% of humus = \(\frac{3.5}{21.0} \times \frac{100}{1}}
= 16.7%
25. An example of a filter -feeding animal is
  • A. shark
  • B. butterfly
  • C. whale
  • D. mosquito
Correct Answer: Option C
Filter feeding is a method of aquatic feeding in which the animal takes in many small pieces of prey at one time.


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