Literature in English 2014 JAMB Past Questions

Literature in English 2014 JAMB Past Questions

1. Based on Femi Osofisan's Women of Owu, the gods are portrayed as
  • A. saviours of mankind
  • B. helpless
  • C. architects of man's destiny
  • D. amorous
Correct Answer: Option A
2. Based on Femi Osofisan's Women of Owu, Orisaye describes Balogun Kusa as
  • A. a good leader
  • B. a great warrior
  • C. an enemy and a butcher
  • D. a friend in need
Correct Answer: Option B
3. Based on Femi Osofisan's Women of Owu, Erelu is
  • A. the first wife of the Oba
  • B. the oldest wife of the Oba Akinjobi
  • C. a courtier to the Alaafin of Oyo
  • D. the most brilliant woman in Owu
Correct Answer: Option B
4. Based on Femi Osofisan's Women of Owu, Balogun Kusa is killed by a
  • A. soldier
  • B. god
  • C. herbalist
  • D. lunatic
Correct Answer: Option A
5. Based on William Shakespeare's The Tempest, Ariel is identified as
  • A. assistant to Sycorax
  • B. leader of the spirits
  • C. Prospero's daughter
  • D. Alonso's wife
Correct Answer: Option B

6. Based on William Shakespeare's The Tempest, Before the shipwreck that occurred at the beginning of the play, Prospero and his daughter lived in the island for
  • A. eighteen months
  • B. two decades
  • C. twelve years
  • D. fourty days
Correct Answer: Option C
7. Based on William Shakespeare's The Tempest,Caliban's intention to rape Miranda is born out of the desire to
  • A. marry her
  • B. destroy the island
  • C. compete with Ferdinand
  • D. populate the island with Calibans
Correct Answer: Option A
8. Based on William Shakespeare's The Tempest,the character associated with savagery in the play is
  • A. Ferdinand
  • B. Ariel
  • C. Stephano
  • D. Caliban
Correct Answer: Option A
9. Based on William Shakespeare's The Tempest,Prospero is portrayed as a man who is
  • A. eager to conquer the world
  • B. full of mistrust for everybody
  • C. more interested in studying than in governance
  • D. dependent on the spirits of his survival
Correct Answer: Option C
10. Based on Asare Konadu's A Woman in Her Prime, the novel explores the theme of
  • A. child quest of an African woman
  • B. exploitation of the African woman
  • C. sex discrimination in Ghana
  • D. women liberation in Nigeria
Correct Answer: Option A
11. Based on Asare Konadu's A Woman in Her Prime, the worst calamity that can befall a woman is
  • A. barreness
  • B. inability to bear male children
  • C. inability to marry
  • D. divorce
Correct Answer: Option A
12.Based on Asare Konadu's A Woman in Her Prime,Asogo is a game in which
  • A. mothers lure their babies to sleep
  • B. fathers narrate animal stories
  • C. boys abuse girls with music
  • D. girls sing songs of praise and admonition
Correct Answer: Option B
13. Based on Chimamanda Adichie's Purple Hibiscus, one of the changes introduced into St Agnes' Church by Father Benedict is that
  • A. everyone must take holy communion
  • B. there must be fasting every month
  • C. the Credo must be recited in igbo
  • D. the Kyrie must be rendered only in Latin
Correct Answer: Option A
14. Based on Chimamanda Adichie's Purple Hibiscus, Eugene Achike in the novel is portrayed as
  • A. a tough retired soldier
  • B. a soft and gentle husband
  • C. an uncompromising traditionalist
  • D. a fanatical Catholic adherent
Correct Answer: Option D
15. Based on Chimamanda Adichie's Purple Hibiscus, in the Achike family,the character who is central to the theme is
  • A. Jaja
  • B. Kambili
  • C. Mama
  • D. Sisi
Correct Answer: Option A
16.Based on Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and The Sea, the type of fish caught by Santiago after days of effort is
  • A. geisha
  • B. shark
  • C. iris
  • D. marlin
Correct Answer: Option D
17. Based on Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and The Sea,the novel demonstrates the
  • A. struggle of man against defeat
  • B. attempt to catch fish
  • C. desire to understand life
  • D. influence of the sea on man 

Correct Answer: Option A
18. Based on Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and The Sea, the attitude of the old man towards nature is quite
  • A. warm and friendly
  • B. cautious and skeptical
  • C. hostile and callous
  • D. careless and indifferent
Correct Answer: Option A
19. Based on Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and The Sea,Santiago's second dream occurs
  • A. when he sleeps on the boat for a few hours
  • B. the night before his fishing expedition
  • C. in his house
  • D. at the end of the book
Correct Answer: Option B
These question are based on selected poems from Johnson, R. et al (eds.): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, W. (ed.): Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T. (eds): A Selection of African Poetry; Umukoro M. et al: Exam Focus: Literature in English; Eruvbetine, A.E. et al (eds.): Longman Examination Guides: Poetry for Senior Secondray Schools NWOGA, d.i. (ED.) West African Verse.

The dominant image in Adeoti's Hard Lines is
  • A. tactile
  • B. auditory
  • C. gustatory
  • D. visual
Correct Answer: Option C

These question are based on selected poems from Johnson, R. et al (eds.): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, W. (ed.): Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T. (eds): A Selection of African Poetry; Umukoro M. et al: Exam Focus: Literature in English; Eruvbetine, A.E. et al (eds.): Longman Examination Guides: Poetry for Senior Secondray Schools NWOGA, d.i. (ED.) West African Verse.

The tone of Umeh's Ambassadors of Poverty can be described as
  • A. panegyrical
  • B. metaphorical
  • C. sarcastic
  • D. admonitory
Correct Answer: Option C
These question are based on selected poems from Johnson, R. et al (eds.): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, W. (ed.): Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T. (eds): A Selection of African Poetry; Umukoro M. et al: Exam Focus: Literature in English; Eruvbetine, A.E. et al (eds.): Longman Examination Guides: Poetry for Senior Secondray Schools NWOGA, d.i. (ED.) West African Verse.

In Owonibi's Homeless, not Hopeless, the persona explains that street beggars
  • A. are concerned with their daily needs
  • B. always worry about heaven
  • C. rarely sleep and dream
  • D. attend conferences in towns
Correct Answer: Option A
These question are based on selected poems from Johnson, R. et al (eds.): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, W. (ed.): Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T. (eds): A Selection of African Poetry; Umukoro M. et al: Exam Focus: Literature in English; Eruvbetine, A.E. et al (eds.): Longman Examination Guides: Poetry for Senior Secondray Schools NWOGA, d.i. (ED.) West African Verse.

Cheney-Coker's Myopia is a
  • A. ballad
  • B. dirge
  • C. lament
  • D. sonnet
Correct Answer: Option C
These question are based on selected poems from Johnson, R. et al (eds.): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, W. (ed.): Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T. (eds): A Selection of African Poetry; Umukoro M. et al: Exam Focus: Literature in English; Eruvbetine, A.E. et al (eds.): Longman Examination Guides: Poetry for Senior Secondray Schools NWOGA, d.i. (ED.) West African Verse.

Jared Angira is an African Poet from
  • A. Ghana
  • B. Sierra-Leone
  • C. Kenya
  • D. South Africa
Correct Answer: Option C
These question are based on selected poems from Johnson, R. et al (eds.): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, W. (ed.): Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T. (eds): A Selection of African Poetry; Umukoro M. et al: Exam Focus: Literature in English; Eruvbetine, A.E. et al (eds.): Longman Examination Guides: Poetry for Senior Secondray Schools NWOGA, d.i. (ED.) West African Verse.

The dominant technique used in Serenade is
  • A. apostrophe
  • B. metaphore
  • C. simile
  • D. oxymoron
Correct Answer: Option A


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