Economics 2012 JAMB Past Questions


Economics 2012 JAMB Past Questions

1. A major disadvantage of a socialist economy is that
  • A. corruption is rampant
  • B. consumer's sovereignty is lost
  • C. income inequality is entrenched
  • D. there is high level of unemployment
Correct Answer: Option A
2. The privatization of public enterprises will lead to efficient management of resources in the economy.
This statement can best be described as
  • A. normative reasoning
  • B. inductive reasoning
  • C. deductive reasoning
  • D. positive reasoning
Correct Answer: Option B
3. The sign of the slope of a graph in economic analysis is important because it
  • A. shows whether a good is normal or inferior
  • B. shows the relationship between variables
  • C. reveals the magnitude of the change between variables
  • D. helps to determine the unit of measurement of variables
Correct Answer: Option D
4. If the quantity of rice bought decreases from 250 tonnes to 200 tonnes owing to a 2% rise in price, it shows that there is a change in
  • A. consumers' income
  • B. demand
  • C. consumers' tastes
  • D. quantity damanded
Correct Answer: Option D
5. A rise in income will, ceteris paribus, bring about
  • A. a movement along the demand curve
  • B. a leftward shift of the demand curve
  • C. a rightward shift of the demand curve
  • D. no effect on the demand curve
Correct Answer: Option B

6. If the price of an item increases by 8% while the quantity demanded falls from 1500 units to 1492 units, the demand is said to be
  • A. perfectly elastic
  • B. inelastic
  • C. elastic
  • D. perfectly inelastic
Correct Answer: Option B
7. Comparison of interpersonal utility is impossible because
  • A. utility is measured in utils
  • B. marginal utility is not observable
  • C. utility is subjectively determined
  • D. individual income differ
Correct Answer: Option A
8. When the slope of the total utility curve is declining, the marginal utility of a consumer will be increasing if he
  • A. stops consuming more of the commodity
  • B. reduces the quantity consumed
  • C. increases the quantity consumed
  • D. consumes more of another commodity
Correct Answer: Option C
9. The supply of cocoa is influenced by
  • A. seasonal conditions
  • B. the efficacy of fertilizer used
  • C. the demand for beverages
  • D. the availability of close substitutes
Correct Answer: Option B
10. If quantity supplied is constant irrespective of price changes, the supply elasticity is
  • A. unitary
  • B. infinity
  • C. fairly elastic
  • D. perfectly inelastic
Correct Answer: Option D
11. The cost elasticity of supply is a useful instrument for measuring
  • A. profit
  • B. productivity
  • C. national income
  • D. price index
Correct Answer: Option B
12. The invisible hand promotes the interests of
  • A. consumers
  • B. society
  • C. government
  • D. producers
Correct Answer: Option C
13. Fixing price above equilibrium will cause
  • A. demand and supply to remain constant
  • B. an increase in quantity supplied
  • C. an increase in supply
  • D. a decrease in quantity supplied
Correct Answer: Option B
14. An important function of the price system is to
  • A. ensure that producers' profits remain high
  • B. guarantee full employment of resources
  • C. allocate resources to most productive uses
  • D. protect the economic interests of government
Correct Answer: Option D
15. If all factors are variable in the long run,firms will experience
  • A. decreasing returns to scale
  • B. increasing returns to scale
  • C. diminishing returns
  • D. economies of scale
Correct Answer: Option B

16. The equilibrium point of a firm is attained at the point where the isoquant is
  • A. greater than the isocost
  • B. less than the isocost
  • C. tangent to the isocost
  • D. greater than the output
Correct Answer: Option B
17. The long-run average cost curve touches to the short-run average cost curves at the
  • A. minimum points of all short run average cost curves
  • B. declining points of all short-run average cost curves
  • C. minimum point of only one of the short-run cost curves
  • D. rising points of all short-run average cost curves
Correct Answer: Option D
18. If a firm doubles all inputs in the long run and the total output is less than doubled, this results in
  • A. diminishing returns
  • B. constant returns to scale
  • C. increasing returns to scale
  • D. decreasing returns to scale
Correct Answer: Option D
19. Patents and copyrights enable monopolists to
  • A. determine the quality of their products
  • B. determine the scale of their products
  • C. restrict information flow to new firms
  • D. restrict entry of new firms
Correct Answer: Option B
20. A discriminatory monopoly is characterized by
  • A. a common elasticity in different markets
  • B. different elasticities in different markets
  • C. a finite elasticity in all markets
  • D. zero elasticity in all market
Correct Answer: Option A
21. Net National Product is derived by deducting
  • A. net exports from GNP
  • B. subsidies from GDP
  • C. taxes from GDP
  • D. depreciation from GNP
Correct Answer: Option D
22. The investment expenditure of an economy changes by N 2 million and MPC is 0.75
The multiplier is
  • A. 8
  • B. 4
  • C. 3
  • D. 2
Correct Answer: Option D
23. The investment expenditure of an economy changes by N 2 million and MPC is 0.75
What is the change in income?
  • A. N0.5m
  • B. N1.5m
  • C. N2.6m
  • D. N8.0m
Correct Answer: Option D
24. If a basket of commodities cost N120 in the base year and N240 in the current year, calculate the price index
  • A. 100
  • B. 200
  • C. 240
  • D. 300
Correct Answer: Option B
25. The money that commands a higher market value than its face value is called
  • A. paper money
  • B. standard money
  • C. commodity money
  • D. fiat money
Correct Answer: Option D


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